First sequel update

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Sneak peek at the first of the four sequels to More Than A Gift. We're starting with Steve, Bucky and Elena's eldest son, Philip Rogers-Barnes.

Happy reading.


Phil's POV

Spotting his baby sister, Phil's long legs eat up the distance between them, slinging an arm around her shoulders as they walk down the stairs to the office level. “Hey there, tiny. First day as Aunt Maria’s official sidekick, huh?” Batting his hand away from where he was attempting to pat her head, Marya tries to rush past her big brother far too busy for his nonsense right now. Irritation briefly spikes but quickly fades as he keeps pace with her. “Oh come on, Marya. Don’t be such a brat. I was only trying to say hi.”

Annoyed by his teasing when she was in such a rush Marya pushes Phil’s arm off of her with a glare at her much taller sibling. “I don’t have time for pleasantries, Philip. I’m running behind as it is and I need to talk to Maria about a new case that just came across my desk.”

“Hey now, no need to be mean.” Tugging his kid sister to a stop Phil tries to get a peek at the Stark pad in her small hands to see what had Marya in such a harried rush. Clutching it to her chest Marya narrowed her eyes up at him as she quickened her pace to get to their boss. Groaning, he calls out to her, “You know what mom always says, sharing is caring.” When she doesn’t stop or says a word he is quick to catch up. “Oh come on! I’m just gonna end up seeing it anyway. Why not help your brother out and give me time to prepare?” He growls out when she skips ahead of him. How she managed to do that and not break her ankles in those skyscraper heels he had no idea.

“Seeing as this will go to our Captain first, that's doubtful because we both know how well she shares.” Shooting him a smug grin at the disgruntled grunt Phil gives her, she swipes her id card and enters the main bullpen where Phil had no clearance to enter at the moment. Smirking at him over her shoulder she waggles her fingers tauntingly in goodbye. “See you later, bonehead.”

Hands on his narrow hips Phil glares at the back of his sister's head. Watching her rush over to Maria Hill, their boss and one of their many adopted aunts. Knowing that he had nothing but time to kill until he got the notification that he was up for an assignment, he turned on his heel and made his way back down to the team’s floor. Maybe Ben, Morgan and Bex were done with their training with Uncle Peter and they could all hang out. Calling out to FRIDAY he checked to see if they were free and was disappointed to find out they weren’t and wouldn’t be for a while. Spinning back around Phil makes his way to the elevator. Not wanting to disturb their work he would go on a run. Hell, he was already dressed for it in a white t-shirt, black basketball shorts and a pair of classic black NIke’s. Maybe a run was just what he needed to get out all of this pent up energy that filled him up. It would help get his head right just like his dad had said his whole life.

Running was one of the few things that Phil and his biological father, Steve, did one on one. Of course it was for exercise, but mainly it was time for the father and son to talk things out that were on the younger man’s mind or just to have his father there when he needed silent support. On occasion his other dad, Bucky and his siblings joined them, but for the most part Steve would make time each week for time just for the two of them like he did for all of the Rogers-Barnes kids. Being the eldest of four Phil was usually the helper and this time with his dad had just Phil be his fathers son. No pressure, just the two of them and the road or running path. Their runs didn’t happen as often as he would have liked anymore with his schedule not aligning with his dad’s. That would be changing soon enough now that the new Captain America had been announced and seeing as it wasn’t him, he would have plenty of extra time to go on runs. The bitter taste of that fact had Phil storming out of the Avenger’s Facility otherwise known to those that lived and worked there as the Compound over to the path that would take him to the trails.

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