You're lucky we love you

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Elena's breath catches in her throat at the sight of their beautiful bodies naked while she's still fully dressed. Together they stalk forward and crawl up the bed until they're on either side of her. Each grabbing the bottom of her shirt and slowly begins to pull it up...

Bucky traces his lips down her neck as they pull the shirt over her head. Steve's hands work at undoing her jeans while Buck's moves to take off her bra. Each leaving kisses along her skin in their wake. Elena's soft gasps and moans start to fill the air. The feeling of both of their hands and lips against her body never failed to send her straight to heaven. God, she loved them so much.

Switching places, Bucky settles his large body between her legs so that his face is just above her lacy panties kissing along her hip bones as his fingers hook into her underwear. With a quick jerk they're torn to shreds in his hands and are tossed over his shoulder. The feeling of his strength and his warm breath on her naked skin force her eyes closed. It was at that moment she felt Steve's soft full lips on hers. Moaning into his kiss, Elena brings her hands up to cup the back of his head.

Bucky's tongue and lips begin attacking her clit making her jerk back with a strangled scream. Steve and her look down to see his lust blown icy blue eyes staring back as he works his mouth on her core. Throwing her head back into the pillows Elena lets herself get lost in the feeling of the pure bliss he's giving her. Soon enough she feels his warm fingers slide inside of her. Pumping in and out quickly hitting over that spot just inside that made her see stars when he does. "La dracu, nu te opri!" (Fuck, don't stop!)

Elena practically screams as her orgasm comes barreling towards her. Bucky's mouth and fingers never stop just like she tells him. She could feel and hear his growls and moans against her core as he gets just as worked up.

Steve peppers kisses along her neck and breasts before pulling back letting Elena and Bucky have this moment together. The tight, hot coil in her lower stomach releases moments later as she cries out her orgasm. Pulling back a little Buck takes his mouth off of her, but doesn't stop the movements of his fingers. Normally he would slow down, help her ride it out, but not tonight. With a dark gleam in his eyes he keeps up his fast pace.

"James, please I can't. It's too soon." She moans out breathing heavily. The feeling of her last orgasm hadn't even begun to fade only to start coiling tightly again.

"Yes, you can. I know you can. Haide, iubire. O poți face. Vreau să te văd venind din nou." (Come on, baby. You can do it. I wanna see you come again.)

He shifts up more until he's kneeling between her legs, his fingers never slowing or stopping. He praises Elena, telling her how beautiful she is and how well she's taking his fingers.

Assisting him, Steve pulls her upper body into his lap so he can hold her hands while Bucky pins her lower body down with his metal hand on her stomach. Being held down while he worked his hand between her legs and the feeling of Steve's hard body behind her sent warmth flooding through her body. Closing her eyes at the mind numbing ecstasy they were giving her as she moaned and whimpered.

"Stai cu ochii pe mine, Elena. Vreau să te văd venind din nou." (Keep your eyes on me, Elena. I wanna see you come again.)

"La dracu cu, James, o să fiu. Oh Doamne!" (Fuck James, I'm..I'm gonna. oh god!)

She couldn't hold it back any more. With a scream she comes again while she fights so hard to keep her eyes on his. This time Bucky slows his fingers down, working her slowly taking her through her orgasm until her body is only slightly trembling. Her core was still super sensitive as he took his fingers from inside of her. "Te-ai descurcat atât de bine, Elena. Atât de frumoasă, frumoasa mea fată. (You did so well, Elena. So beautiful, my beautiful girl.)

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