Late night Confessions

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Steve and Bucky are having a guys night in with just the two of them. Relaxing in their apartment watching movies while Elena went out with Natasha and Wanda was just what they needed. It's nice just them two hanging out. It'd been much too long. If they aren't training or on a mission they're usually with Elena or one of the other team members. Not that they didn't love being with their girl, it was just nice to have some guy time.

So tonight they're having dinner and some beers while they talk. Steve suggested they watch a movie or two while they wait for Elena to get home. They'd been steadily going through the must watch movie list she had made up for them after they had gone through Steve's list.

Tonight's choices are all Brendan Fraser movies. First up was Blast from the past. Definitely an interesting choice and somewhat relatable. Next up was Journey to the Center of the Earth.

Actually up next on their list was The Mummy movies, but Elena said she wanted to watch it and the sequel with them. But not the last one because, 'It's not the same without Rachel Weisz.' She had gone on a very impassioned rant on the subject much to their amusement.


Just as Enchio Man was ending Elena and the girls crash through the door giggling as they try to hold each other up. "Shhhh! We have to be quiet or Hugh will yell at us!" She loudly whispers in an attempt to hush herself and her friends.

"Too late." Tony says, rolling his eyes as he walks past their door causing the women to shriek with laughter and fall to the floor. Laughing, Bucky gets up and walks over to the inebriated women to help them up.

"Well hello there ladies and how was your night out?" Steve asks them from his spot on the couch. Amused by three of the most powerful and deadly women acting like any normal women after a night out.

Elena, Wanda and Natasha all look at each other and then burst out laughing for no apparent reason.

Buck chuckled as he lifted Elena up bridal style when she started to tip over. "That fun, huh?" Natsaha laughs and shushes Wanda who was giggling uncontrollably.

"We're just gonna go. Have fuuun." She winks at Elena, dragging Wanda with her, their laughter echoing down the hall. Shaking his head Bucky closes the door and walking over to the couch he sat back down keeping her on his lap.

"You're so pretty." Elena tells him as she looks up at him, caressing his face.

Steve laughs and says. "Yeah Buck, you're really pretty." He rolls his eyes at him. "Don't encourage her, Steve."

Elena glares up at Buck and then looks at Steve with her big hazel eyes. "But you're pretty too, Stevie."

He couldn't hold in his laugh at Steve's reaction. Unbothered by their teasing each other Elena hums as she snuggles into his chest. She reaches a hand out for Steve which makes the blonde move closer for her to reach him.

"My pretty boys." She runs her fingers through Steve's now longer hair and grips it tightly causing his eyes to close in pleasure at the light sting to his scalp. Gently removing her hand he kisses her palm to quell her pout. Steve had started to grow it out a bit when Elena told him how much she liked to pull on their hair during sex. He liked hair pulling as much as the two of them, he was just reluctant to admit it.

"I love you." She says, placing kisses along Bucky's throat.

"I love you too, Dragă." He kisses the top of her head before passing her to Steve. "I'm gonna go get the bed ready. Watch this one."

"I love you, Mon amour." He heard Elena tell him as he walked into their bedroom. He doesn't hear the other man's reply, but he knows he tells her the same.

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