My admin just realized how obsessed she is with final fantasy guys 0.o . she find them extremely hot >_< She has like 5 FF GUY CRUSHES !!
5. Zack Fair
4. Valentine
3. Squall
2. Tidus
1. Cloud>_<
Tifa's status/MB Book
RastgeleWell I seen some people have one of these so I decided to make one myself, usually because this website has changed a lot of things over the year so now people can't see when someone posts a status so I'll write them here :)
FF guy crushes
My admin just realized how obsessed she is with final fantasy guys 0.o . she find them extremely hot >_< She has like 5 FF GUY CRUSHES !!
5. Zack Fair
4. Valentine
3. Squall
2. Tidus
1. Cloud>_<