Chapter 13: Seeking comfort

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"Boss, you wanted to speak with me?".

"Yes, I want you to cancel all my meetings for the next couple of days".

"But boss, we have some important deals to discuss and"-

"Are you deaf? I said cancel them. It's clear something tragic has happened and I am not willing to leave her in this state. Sort it out or I'll remind you of who the hell I am".

The man sighed heavily and walked away from Giovanni not wanting to piss him off.

I had been asleep for what felt like hours, but with how loud the other man was talking I had started to stir but remained still not wanting to make it seem like I had been listening in on their conversation.

Heavy footsteps left the room and closed the door behind him. I could hear Giovanni curse under his breath before resting the back of his hand against my head.

As soon as his skin made contact with mine, I slowly opened my eyes confused by where I was. 

"Hey sweetheart" Giovanni cooed softly as he smiled down at me, but his eyes held fear and worry.

His eyes pierced into mine as his finger trailed over my cheek. As I began to get distracted by the worry on his face, the tears started to well up once more.

Looking at Giovanni, I looked down at my clothes only to panic as it dawned on me that I had been changed into a huge oversized hoodie.

"I swear, I didn't look. You were soaking wet and I couldn't leave you in the wet clothes" Giovanni reassured with some panic in his eyes. 

As much as I felt uncomfortable at him undressing me, I knew that if he left me in wet clothes, I'd make myself more sick.

Giovanni pulled his jacket off to reveal his pristine white shirt and immediately scooped me up so I rested in his arms just like a parent would do with a baby.

His arms were like chains wrapped around me with no intention of letting me go, and I didn't want him to.

He stayed silent letting me cry aloud in the peaceful room I had never seen before.

"I don't know what the hell has happened, but I want you to cry it all out and then tell me what happened" he breathed into my ear as he continued to rock me.

I felt pathetic be treating like a child, but I was completely shattered inside. I had nothing left to fight for. All my hunger for dominance and power had left the moment the news of my parent's death was revealed to me. I just wanted love. I wanted someone to hide me away from the cruel world for just once.

Gripping his shirt, I let go of everything and broke down before the man I barely knew. 

My body shook uncontrollably as I cried against his expensive shirt, but he didn't care. Tears poured my face and occasionally dripped through his shirt and onto his bare skin. 

I could feel him tense up as I screamed and cried, but he never let me go.

After what felt like an eternity of a complete breakdown, my body finally relaxed into his embrace and I let my eyes fall shut as he stroked my hair softly.

"I'm not going anywhere sweetheart" he whispered into my ear as he pressed a delicate kiss on top of my head. 

Gripping onto him tightly, I clenched my eyes shut hearing the same words as if they came from mum and dad. They promised to never leave me. Elias promised to never leave me. Giovanni would just be another broken promise.

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