Chapter 48: Mine

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"Has anyone told you how hot you are" I purred into the random man's ear as I trailed my matte black nails down his creased white shirt.

Flicking my tongue on the random man's ear, I bit my lip in excitement as I looked over to see Elias glare at me from the bar.

"Thanks, you're quite the stunner yourself" the pathetic drunk man yelled in my ear as he grabbed my hips and spun me around.

Keeping my eyes locked with Elias', I started to move my hips to the rhythm of the beat and smirked as the glass in his hand smashed as he tensed up.

Elias thought that he could waltz back into my life after having me believe he was dead all this time. He could have found me sooner, but he wanted to wait for the right moment so he said.

So to show him how pissed off I was, I was going to make him jealous.

It was clear he had a personality change since coming back to life. And it was something that pleased me greatly. Of course, I loved the sweet Elias who loved taking me on cute little dates and always fussed over me.

But the Elias standing before me, damn.

He was dominant, possessive and didn't take shit from anyone. He wanted me, all of me and just like a game of chase, I wanted to make it difficult for him.

Smirking at Elias, I spun around and dropped to the floor before standing up but grinded hard against the drunk idiot as I stood to full height.

Even though Elias was surrounded by a group of girls desperately trying to get his attention, Elias' eyes were fixated on me like a hawk stalking it's prey.

"You dirty girl. You need"-

"Ugh, shut up" I slapped my hand over the fool's mouth getting irritated with his interaction. He was merely a pawn in my plan to get back at Elias.

Roaming around the drunk fool in love, I gripped his hair tightly and tugged it at harshly whilst keeping my eyes on Elias who's eyes were nearly black with rage.

Standing behind the man with my hand gripping his hair, I rested my head on his shoulder and made sure Elias was staring at me before running my hand down the man's body.

"F-Fuck" the pathetic man moaned as I ran my hand down over the top of his trousers.

Smirking at the trembling man's reaction, I looked up only to see Elias getting a lap dance by a desperate bitch running her hands over what was mine.

Clenching my jaw in anger, I felt a stab in my heart as Elias smiled at her.

"Why'd you stop" the man moaned as he pulled me from behind him and forced me against him grinding himself hard against my ass.

"I'm no longer in the mood" I sighed as I went to walk away. It hurt, but I couldn't be mad at him. I was doing the same thing, trying to get a reaction out of him. And he won. 

Glancing over at Elias who was clearly enjoying the woman grinding herself on his lap, I walked away from the man I had been using and started heading towards the exit liking the idea of gorging on a pizza instead.

But before I could reach the exit, a strong arm wrapped around my waist and dragged me back into the sea of people.

"Oh no you don't. You don't get a man riled up and then leave" the man I had been dancing up against mumbled into my ear as he forced me up against him. Normally I would have easily put this guy on the floor for touching me without my consent, but I had way too much alcohol in my system and the tight crowds made it difficult to move.

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