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(This chapter will include group beating, blood, and sadness.)

Jay ~

Mrs. Bradley: "Cordae can stay for awhile since he doesn't have nowhere to go. He just has to get some clothes and he can stay in the guest room." She said and walked out. 

When I looked at where Cordae was he wasn't there. Then I heard the shower water running in the bathroom. I then sigh and lay back on my bed. I put my hands over my face so I can think. 

Hopefully he'll be ok, he's like the baby of the group. But I ain't gon say that to his face tho. He'll just try to argue it until someone agrees with him. Uhh this kid is my life besides my mama and girlfriend of course. He's like my little brother to me. That's why if you see me be kinda like hovering over the small boy I'm just being protective. That's all... 

Jay: "Today's gonna be a long day. *sigh* Ion even wanna..." I say but gets cut off.

Cordae: "You don't wanna what?" I hear Cordy say. 

Jay: "Hmmm?.... Oh nothing I was thinking out loud. Nothing to worry about Dae. I think my mom got you some clothes from your house. We'll go to the mall and get you some more clothes and shoes and other stuff you like after school." I say.

Cordae: "M'k, also can you used my pronouns pls?" He asked. 

Jay: "Ofc Dae, what are you today?" I ask 

Cordae: "She/Her." He smiled slightly.

I nodded in response. I then went downstairs to see if my mom got him some clothes, luckily she did. I grab the bag and headed upstairs to my room.

When I got there I saw Dae looking at the lights over my head bored. The aesthetic in my room was grey and so were the lights. I then knocked on the wall to get his attention. He looked at me in awe still amazed even though he seen it before, I think. 

I shock my head and handed him the bag.

Jay: "Imma head in the shower and we can go. We can pick up something for breakfast on the way." I said grabbing some clothes and heading towards the bathroom.

Dae: "M'k, oh and Jay?" She said.

Jay: "Ma?" I looked at her.

Dae: "Thank you." She replied 

Jay: "No problem, Ma." I said then headed into the shower.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ School 2nd period ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I sat in the middle back on the right side of the room 'closes' to the door. I'm in music class with a lot of people I know. Everyone are in groups of 5 working together to make a song and video.

I'm in a group with Shéyaa, Mere, Montero, and Billie. I knew everyone in my group personally except for Billie. We don't really talk much unless we have to or in a group together. Anyways, me and Shéyaa are rapping together, Billie is recording, Montero is making the beat, last but not least Symere  is editing the video for us to make it "school appropriate". 

At the moment we don't have anything but an idea. We thought it was a good idea to do a song about love. The thing is me and my girlfriend are a wired couple. But I got an idea. So I waited till Symere and Shéyaa stopped talking to say something.

Jay: " What  if we write a song about someone that is special to one of us." I said 

Montero: "Ok, Billie?" He asked since they really doesn't speak much.

They nodded there head even though they wasn't paying attention.

Shéyaa: "Sure." He said in a mellow voice.

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