Chapter 7

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I went to school the following day and it felt like everybody knew what had happened. I could feel their eyes on me, I tried to ignore it but as I walked into the building and out to the court yard where my friends were, I couldn't help but wonder if Elena had told anyone?or maybe even the rapist?. Are rumors being told about me? Or maybe its just my mind playing tricks on me,making me think that these people are staring at me when really they're not. I shook it off and struggled not to think about it

Rachel ran up to me and started jumping all around

"Guess what?! Guess what!!"

"W-what?" I looked at her and then over to my friends who were all giggling,all except Elena who just smiled.

"Damian gave me his number!! To give to you!!he wants you to call him!!" She squealed "he's gona ask you out,he's gona ask you out" she sang

"Ohhhh" I didn't really know what to say, my heart raced with excitement but at the same time I didn't want to get my hopes up and secondly was I ready for that especially after what has just happened?.

"How do you know he's not just calling to study for the exams?" I said, I knew Ihad killed their mood

"Cause ain't nobody as dumb as him gona study for no exam !" Sam said laughing and rolling her eyes

"Whaaaaat?,I'm just saying,theres always that possibility" I laughed a little. I felt weird and uneasy about talking to Damian, i mean he's nice to me and all but still he's dangerous

Rachel handed me a slip of folded paper which I assumed was Damian's number and winked

"We'll see" she giggled then grabbed her bag and walked to class

"Hey how you doing?" Elena said walking me to class

"G-good" I replied as tears started to form, every time I think about it, I end up crying.

"Ella I'm sorry i didn't mean to" she hugged me tight

"No its alright,its just I struggle so hard to push it out of my head,to forget about it but my mind always ends up on it anyway" I sighed

"Im here for you ella,you know that,just take things slow,you got this,i'll help you through this sis"

I smiled "thank you"

We hugged again and I walked into my first period as Elena walked to hers,I took my seat and waited for class to start. A few minutes passed and my phone vibrated. I pulled it out and looked at it, only to find a text message from a number I did not know but looked familiar

"Goodmornin beautiful :)"

"Who is this" I texted back as I glanced around the room to see if anyone was looking at me or if the teacher was looking my way

"Its me damian :) rachel never give u my #?"

"Oh sorry, no she did i just didnt get a chance to txt u,how did u get my number?"

"I got my wayz. Lolz well wat u doin after skoo?wana hang out"

"Cant,sorry i have to study for exams"

"Aww come on,pleaz:) jus a little while or maybe we can help each other study?"

"Uh yeaah sure,bt not tonite sorry,my mom comes back into twn"

I lied. I just didnt feel comfortable being alone with him, even though I liked him I mean whos to say he wasnt the other person who was Dj?I wish I could trust him but as of right now my guard is up high and their is no way in hell im letting it down anytime soon.

"Playin hard ta get huh? Lolz"

"No jus my mom wont approve,thats all,i mean jus me nd u in the house alone,so called "studying"? "

"Lolz im not lik that ella,bt hey no is no right?maybe some other time"

"Thanks for understanding"

"No problem bewtiful;),i'll txt u after class,hey maybe we can eat lunch together?"

"Suuure,bt im gna b with elena and them"

"I'll come over,jus me,koo?"


Ugh this guy does not get the hint.though I give him props for his efforts. I put my phone away as my mind wondered if i would ever be able to open up to anyone,if i would be able to have a normal relationship ,if i would ever be myself again. Or will i continue to live if fear the rest of my life? I sighed as class started.


~Damian's Pov~

I got my lunch and walked over to ella's table. Hmm somethings different about her, I examined her from head to toe as she laughed with her friends. New hair cut?nahh, make up?nahh,new clothes?nahh...damn what is it? She just she seems to have this...this glow,I found myself more attracted to her than I thought I was.

"Hey baby girl" I said as I sat down

"Uh who said you could sit over here?" Meagan joked

"Uhm i did..why you got a problem?" I joked back

I looked at all the girls, Elena eyed me out angrily and i gave her the same look back then turned my attention to ella who was eating her food ,she looked up and smiled a little

I winked and began eating then made a little small talk with her and her friends. I felt this weird warm and fuzzy feeling when I was with her.I felt excited yet nervous.I dont know how to explain it but I know for a fact I was going to make her mine. I had to, she was perfect. And I knew just the way to do it



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