Chapter 14

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~Damian's P.O.V.~

I pulled up to my house, pissed, this wasn't suppose to happen, Ella wasn't suppose to get pregnant. Fuck! Dads Gona be pissed

~Ella's P.O.V.~

After the marathon was over, the doctor told my friends it was time to leave, Elena stayed with me until my mom came

"What happened?!" She rushed in panicking and distressed

"M-mom I ne-ed to tell you something " as soon as I said those words I felt another lump rising into my throat,as I began to cry. She sat down next me on the bed, Elena in the recliner across from my mom. Mom looked confused and worried.

"Mom...I , um, I'm uh.." I trailed off and bean to sob uncontrollably  "I'm pregnant"

"How could you let this happen?!" She growled "I thought I raised you better than this!!" She nearly yelled

"Mom..its not like that!" I defended

"Then what ella?!huh!"

"I was raped 3 times! Within the past month and half or two months I don't know! " I blurted out angrily

She went silent and stared at me. Shocked.

"W-what?! why didnt you tell me Ella, baby im so sorry" she pulled me to her and hugged me tight. I continued to cry into her shoulder

"Its gona be okay ella, don't worry we're gona find the asshole who did this and hes gona pay for what hes done to you" she kissed my head

"I think I'm going to keep the baby" I said before I lost my nerve or changed my mind

Mom nodded "well I wasn't going to let you abort or give away my first grandchild anyway, no matter what,even if it is apart of some rapist, it is still my blood"

I was surprised as to how well mom was taking all of this. I wondered if this would make us closer. But before my mind could travel on to more thoughts my mind began to shut down. I yawned from crying so much and snuggled up with mom who was on half of the bed and fell asleep

~5 days later~

I woke up and got ready for school, Ijogged down the stairs and was ready to dart out the door when mom called me

"Ella!you didnt eat! You need to eat"

I turned on my heel and walked back into the house,mom had already made me a breakfast sandwhich which smelled delicious. I pecked her cheek

"Thank you mom" I smiled and darted out the door "I Love you!!" I yelled back before getting into the car with Damian

"Hey beautiful" damian smiled, leaning over and kissing my lips, yes we officially started dating two days ago. Although he seems like a great guy, damian seemed to be hiding something,he seemed sad yet angry and happy all at the same time. I wanted to ask but I knew he'd change the subject or find some way out if answering me.

Damian drove to school, when we got there we sat in the car for a few minutes,he leaned over and kissed my passionately,I pulled back to catch my breath. Damian got out and opened my door,he held my hand walked me to my first period. I walked in a sat down,dreading the rest of the day. Elena walked in a few minutes later

"Hey, so I was thinking we could go to safeway later,I printed out some foods you should start eating to keep the baby healthy" she smiled

"Okay sounds good" I nodded, I still didnt believe there was a human being in my stomach,that I was carrying something so precious. I always loved babies and dreamt of the day when I would have one of my own but i never thought it would happen like this. I was scared, my mom was a single mother since my dad was always in and out and abusive. I was didnt want to end up like my mom,struggling and scared but how could I avoid it?. I sighed as class started

"Open your books to page 253, did anyone finish the homework last night?"

Shit I forgot to do that,I hated math!it literally drove me insane


Okay so in the next chapter or so theres going to be alot of drama and unexpected situations. Stay tuned

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