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soobin did worry about the wrinkles in his precious book but he had to admit, he would rather have a wrinkled book than be in this situation.

this situation meaning, entering the BL manga section with four hot guys.

miri, the cashier who knew soobin very well, lifted an eyebrow when soobin entered the store. he was a regular customer so it wasn't really weird for him to come here.

but coming here with other, hot, people was a completelty different story.

soobin could hear some girl whispering as they entered the store. soobin knew them and winked at them, both of the parties shipping the hot boys together.

soobin turned and looked at them. the four of them looked so uncomfortable, soobin felt like laughing. he was like them once.

"you guys look so uncomfortable." said soobin. "i'll bring the book so just pay for it, okay?"
beomgyu leaned closer to soobin and winked at him. "thank you. that's so much better."

soobin was pretty sure he heard some girl squeal in the corner. (a/n : that's me lol)

soobin walked into the omegaverse section. to be honest, he didn't read a lot omegaverse so he had bought that book to try out that genre.

soobin was more in high school love stories for some reason.
soobin felt a hand on his shoulder and almost screamed but stopped when he saw who it was.

"miri, you scared the living shit out of me." said soobin, breathing a sigh of relief.

"you scared the living shit out of me." replied miri. "coming into a gay manga bookstore with 4 hot guys? what is your plan? turn them gay by making them read gay book so they all can finally live a happy gay life."

"i wish. they found my book."

"the omega one you bought yesterday?"

"yes and it was with them for ONE period. 45 minutes and the pages are completely crinkled so i made them buy me a new one."
"the same book?"

"yeah, i'm searching for that."

"eh, it got sold out yesterday itself. actually, it got sold out before you came but i remember you telling me something about wanting to try omegaverse so i saved one."

soobin's eyes widened. "that's why when i asked you if you knew where the book was, you magically produced a book for me."

"yeah. so what are you going to do?"
"they're still going to buy a book for me. i don't care" said soobin.

"you know what? make them select a book for you." said miri with a weird gleam in her eyes.


the four friends stood in a corner awkwardly aware of the glances on them.

taehyun nudged beomgyu in the ribs. "why the hell did you suggest coming here? we could've just given him the money and left. and then we would have nothing to do with him."

beomgyu lifted an eyebrow. "are you sure you want nothing to do with him? he's the only guy in our school who's possibly gay, you know."
taehyun opened his mouth to speak but closed it, with a slight blush on his cheeks.

"didn't he say he was straight though?" asked kai.

yeonjun shrugged. "he reads gay manga?"

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