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soobin stretched. waking up was annoying but he had to go to school so he had to suck it up and wake up.

soobin freshened up and walked towards his kitchen and poured some cereal into a bowl and started eating it.

he hated milk so he ate plain cereal. a lot of people thought it was weird but soobin was overall weird so, this was just one of those things.

"soobin, how many times have told you to not eat cereal without milk?!" yelled soobin's mom, entering the kitchen.

soobin rolled his eyes, "respect my tastes mom"

"i do respect your tastes, excuse me? i respect the fact the fact you like boys."

soobin's eyes widened. "what are you saying, woman? i'm straight for heaven's sake."


soobin looked at her disbelief.

he was straight. period.


soobin walked into the school, disgusted. there was couple making out in the corner, another lovey-dovey couple were holding hands and blushing like crazy.

and on the other side of the room, there was some people clinging on to their crushes. soobin looked away the ground. he couldn't bear to see all this heterosexuality.

wait a minute, but soobin is straight right? but why does he hate his own kind of species.

you see, soobin is a fudanshi. a BL lover. someone who likes reading about gay romances.and as a fudanshi, it hurt soobin to see so many straight couples in his school.

come on, one gay couple wouldn't hurt anyone, right?

soobin looked at another corner of the hall that was really crowded. of course, it would be crowded.

the four of them were figures of admiration of this school. they had huge crowds around them following around every step in the school and they were like hella intimidating.

if soobin had to describe them perfectly, he would say they were like the four guys in boys over flowers.

speaking of boys over flowers, he always had some secret hope that in the friend group two of them secretly like each other.

just thinking about it made soobin's skin tingle.

maybe he should write a fanfiction about it. but he already had two ongoing books, ugh.

anyways, the boys were really good friends. according to the information soobin has gathered, he heard that they've been friends since kids. cool story.

soobin shifted his attention away from them. they were all recieving so much attention already, soobin's attention wouldn't make any difference.

soobin began walking to class, his head deep in thought. along with writing fanfictions he also drew doujinshi's (bl manga) so yeah, his life as a fudanshi was hard.

today, he had to finish chapter 8 of his doujinshi because they were quite some people waiting for it and then---


soobin bumped into someone. was this person made of stone or something.

the books in soobin's hand and in that guys' hand dropped onto the crowd.

soobin looked at the person.


it was one of The Four. beomgyu smiled and quickly picked up his books, so did soobin who smiled in return. but his smile did not match the beauty of beomgyu's.

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