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hello and welcome to the afternote!

first of all, thank you all for taking your time to read the afternote, and more importantly, thank you for picking up this book :)

i'm going to be really frank over here, this isn't one of the best books i've written, and personally, i felt like the quality of the book reduced chapter after chapter.

looking back to when i started the book, i didn't even have a clear plan or ending as such, i was just excited to write a love square with soobin in the center (and i utterly failed), i even rushed the ending for this book because i didn't think i was capable of continuing this book without making the readers bored.

if you guys have noticed this book has only 28 chapters (including the epilogue and the special extra) which is considerably less since my books usually have 35-40 chapters.

that aside, i hope i'll be able to write another book like this but with a clear plot and ending and then deliver it to you guys.

thank you so much for making it till here !!

anyways, here are some things that deviated from what i initially planned to put in the book.

1) love square: my intial plan was to make the ending ambiguous, leaving it up to you guys to think who soobin ended up with but again, i was unable to do that and i ended up with yeonbin and taegyu

2) jihoon: so, i had no intention to bring jihoon in the story but i was out of story idea and compulsively added jihoon, however, yall liked jihoon so much that i couldn't yeet him out of the story

3) the mom: some times, i think i made the mom too cool lmao

4) changlix(?) : i wonder if they end up together or not ;_)

5) bl arc: i wanted to dwell more into soobin liking bl but then i went more in the high school drama kinda plots.

6) girls: i really should've added more girls brb crying

7) taegyu: it was taehyun who was supposed to be the cold one and hurting beomgyu but for some reason, i can't make taehyun cold?

that's it !!

see you in my other books and don't forget to give me a follow

keep reading, commenting, and voting


pixiedust :)

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