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soobin looked at jihoon, confused. did he drink something weird in the morning? what was he even saying? maybe he drank some love potion?

everyone in the class turned and looked at their table.

soobin looked around frantically and said, "what?"

in a very loud and clear voice jihoon said, "i said, i'm in love you with choi soobin."

soobin blushed deep red while people in the class starting whispering.

soobin is a guy though?

does that mean jihoon is gay?

i don't know, you ask him.

no, you ask him.

"Jihoon!" yelled someone from the classroom. "are you gay?"

jihoon blinked and then, nonchalantly nodded. "hm, yes."

the class gasped loudly and soobin rolled his eyes. that reaction was tad bit too dramatic.

jihoon seemed to have noticed soobin's eye roll and smiled at him. "what's up with the reaction? homophobes?"

soobin's eyes widened and pulled jihoon closer to him and whispered, "people are over don't really accept homosexuals. they're kinda reserved."

jihoon frowned. not even bothering to whispering he said, "well, that basically means their homophobes, right? reserved is just a nice term that sugar coats the truth. say soobin, are you gay?"

taken aback by the question, soobin looked around nervously. everyone's eyes were on them.

"i'm not gay...but i support them." said soobin, looking at the ground.

jihoon observed soobin and said, "then it's not an issue. i'll just make you gay."


jihoon simply winked and went to arrange his books leaving soobin utterly confused.

what had happened in the span of 5 minutes?


by lunch time, the news of the student jihoon and his sexuality had spread throughout the school making him the third openly gay guy in the school other than san and wooyoung.

soobin wondered for the million time. why was he in this situation?

jihoon stood next to him, humming softly as he looked at the line in front of him, intently waiting for his turn to come.

just then some random guy came up to them. "oh look, it's the gay guy. jihoon right?"

jihoon gave a big smile. "wow, you know me. yes, i'm jihoon."

the guy looked at jihoon is disgust. "you like men, eh? disgusting. is the guy next to you your boyfriend?"

jihoon looked at soobin. please jihoon, don't say something stupid. "no."

soobin let out a sigh of relief.

"but i want to make him mine."

soobin smacked his forehead.

"ew. why are you even in this school? you should go somewhere else. maybe an all-girls school. after all, gay people always hang around with girls."

soobin looked at that guy in disgust. what nonsense was he spouting?

"yeah, we do. cause we can talk about hot guys together. unless they're not straight but that's another case."

"you're disgusting." said the guy.

jihoon gave another smile. "you too."

soobin looked from the guy and jihoon, back and forth. though jihoon was smiling, there was so much tension between them that soobin just wanted to leave.

soobin decided to intervene. "hehe, gay...is nice?"

jihoon looked at soobin, confused and then broke out into laughter while the other guy looked at soobin in disgust.

"another gay shit? so you guys are a couple? disgusting. how can you even do it?"

jihoon stopped laughing and said, "you wanna know how we do it? i'd say soobin would be the bottom from both of us. it's pretty much the same as normal sex you know. you'd get the lube ready, prep them up and...stick it in."

soobin looked away from jihoon, trying to suppress his laugh while having a bright red blush on his cheek. for some reason, the way jihoon said 'stick it in' made soobin crack up.

on the other hand, the other guy looked horrified. "you disgusting fag...you don't deserve to be here."

jihoon was about to open his mouth to say something when people started screaming.

jihoon and soobin looked at what had caused the commotion. soobin immediately turned away.

"wait, where'd that guy go?" asked jihoon, surprised to see that guy not there.

soobin pointed to the direction of the commotion. the said guy was standing there, screaming along with the rest.

"what's the commotion for?" asked jihoon.

"it's the four. the most popular guys in the school." said soobin with mixed feelings.

one of them helped him with his gay manga cover, another one tried to kiss, another one kissed him and another one admitted to flirting with him.

"introduce them to me." said jihoon, craning his neck because he was unable to see them.

"uh, you can't see them because of the crowd but umm, there's yeonjun, beomgyu, taehyun and kai...and they're really good-looking." said soobin.

"that's it?"


"i have a feeling you know more but i won't pry. after all, i'm interested in you not them." said jihoon, winking and making soobin blush.

"oh we can finally see them." said jihoon, as the crowd cleared way for them.

soobin awkwardly looked away. please don't notice me. please don't notice me. please don't notice me. please do---

"oh soobin! don't you usually get home lunch? what are you doing at the canteen?" said a familiar voice.

soobin turned and laughed awkwardly. "this is my friend jihoon, he's new here so i was just helping him, kai."

kai smiled. "oh is that so? hello, i'm huening kai." he said, bowing down.

jihoon bowed down as well. "nice to meet you, i'm jihoon."

"ahh, i'm taehyun."

"i'm beomgyu"

"and i'm yeonjun."

jihoon looked at them and blinked. "...gay vibes."

the four of them visibly froze and jihoon smiled, his suspicions getting confirmed. jihoon then looked at soobin who avoided looked at them for some reason.

this looked fun.

"sorry?" said taehyun with an awkward smile on his face.

"this place gives me no gay vibes and that's sad. it's really suffocating to surrounded by straights you know. anyways, soobin will turn gay soon, so we don't need to worry about that, do we?" said jihoon, throwing his arms around soobin's shoulder, just to see the reaction of the guys.

jihoon smiled slightly. this was interesting.

this was really interesting.


this was just a filler chapter, more drama to come in the next one wohoo and also, jihoon is nice guy don't worry. i'd never make him evil uwu

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pixiedust :)

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