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yeonjun ran towards the direction where beomgyu had seemingly ran off to. he hoped he wasn't making a mistake, talking to beomgyu first. 

to be honest, he had no idea what do. but he had to try something. he couldn't just let their friendship fall apart like this.

he panted and looked around, his eyes searching for his friend. spotting beomgyu sitting on a bench, yeonjun walked over.

"is it true?" asked yeonjun, standing in front of beomgyu.

beomgyu, who had his head buried in his arms, looked up at yeonjun, his eyes red. "what?"

"was it true that you didn't really like soobin? you pretended to like soobin just to hide your feelings for taehyun?" asked yeonjun, no emotion in his voice.

beomgyu let out a dry laugh. "what's the point of even pretending anymore? kai hates me, taehyun hates, nothing is going to change if you hate me as well, am i right? to answer your question, yes. i don't have feelings for soobin. maybe at one tiny point i did but i realized that whatever happened, i always went back to taehyun. you're angry at me right? go ahead. hit me. do whatever you want. nothing's going to change anyway. i've already fcked up beyond reason."

yeonjun was silent for a second. and then said, "i am angry at you. really angry at you. so much that i want to hit you but not because you pretend to like the guy i genuinely liked. because you hurt taehyun. hasn't we been friends for years? you like him and he likes you, what's making this so complicated for both of you?"

"i don't want our friendship to fall apart. once we start dating, there's no going back. what if we break up? you think we can still be friends?"

yeonjun raised an eyebrow. "ah, so this was your ideal situation? hurting taehyun to the point where he couldn't take it anymore? he's always the calm one but he lost it today and i completely understand him. you know you're very selfish, right?"

beomgyu looked at his feet, not saying anything. yeonjun was telling the truth.

"you don't want anyone to take taehyun away but you won't keep taehyun completely with yourself. you think i haven't noticed all those time you made fun of taehyun when he said some other guy looked cute or handsome?"

"yeonjun. i know, i fcked up, okay. if i could just turn back time, i swear i would fix all of it, i'd never treat taehyun lik--"

"what's stopping you now? you don't need to turn back time? you just need to fix thing now. in this moment. before you regret anything else."

beomgyu sighed. "it's not easy, yeonjun. what you said does sound very ideal but i don't have the courage to go an apologize. fck courage, i don't even think i'm worth being forgiven."

"so what do you want to do? just sit here and overthink? let things stay the way as it is? let our 13 years of friendship apart because of the stupid mistake you made?" said yeonjun, his voice raising slightly.

"are you blaming me?"

"of course i am! i'm not blaming, to be precise. i'm saying the truth. you're the one who made the stupid mistake. i'm not giving you the choice of apologizing. i'm making you apologize. now, whether or not you're forgiven is up to taehyun. not really my business."

beomgyu looked up at yeonjun and smiled. "you're good at this, and i'm sorry. i wasn't thinking."

"just go."

beomgyu got up from the bench and sprinted back to the hotel.

yeonjun looked at beomgyu's retreating figure and let out a sigh. he wasn't sure about how things would turn between them but what was going to happen to him?

could he confess to soobin again?


taehyun gnawed on his lip, his face red. he really didn't intend to lose him cool like this. was he a 3 year old kid or what?

oh my god, he said such childish things to soobin, he had to apologize.

taehyun got up from his seat and opened the door but was surprised to beomgyu standing there, panting heavily.

"w-water" said beomgyu, panting, out of breath.

taehyun's eyes widened and he immediately went back in and handed the bottle of water to beomgyu.

beomgyu drank the bottle in a hurry and said, "thank you."

"your...welcome." said taehyun, looking away as if just realizing what happened.

why was beomgyu here? he was the last person he wanted to see.


"i'll try." said taehyun, his back facing beomgyu.


"i'll try to get over you. but just give me some time. it's feelings i have been having for very long so just give me some time. i promise i'll try my best."

beomgyu hugged taehyun from the back.

surprised, taehyun turned and faced beomgyu, still in his arms.

beomgyu leaned his forehead against taehyun's. "this is going to sound very selfish but...can you not? can you not forget these feelings? i want you to like me."

taehyun turned away from beomgyu's face. "what? what's the point of that beomgyu? i don't want to be in unrequited love, okay?"

"i like you, kang taehyun. i have for a very long time. it's just...i was so afraid that our friendship would end if we started something but looks like hiding it turned out to worse than what i thought. i'm a selfish person, i know. that's why i want you to forgive me."

taehyun turned and faced beomgyu again. he shouldn't forgive him. that's what his mind was telling him. but taehyun couldn't bring himself to do that.

taehyun sighed and grabbed beomgyu's face, placing a light kiss on his lips. "are you sure this is what you want?"

beomgyu's face went red for a second. wrapping his arms around taehyun's waist. he kissed him.

though taken aback for a second, taehyun wrapped his arms around beomgyu's neck, deepening the kiss. this felt like a dream.

if it was dream, taehyun never wanted to wake up.


is anyone even reading this book? well, just to let you know, this book is going to end in another 3 chapters or so !!

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