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soobin was in a daze for the rest of the day. he had clearly stumbled upon a really messed-up conversation. to be precise, not one but two conversations.

"soobin?" said jihoon, looking at soobin.

soobin snapped out of his daze and looked at jihoon. "yes?"

"we're leaving for dinner. are you sure you want to miss the barbeque?" asked jihoon, raising an eyebrow. to be honest, he was itching to ask soobin what had happened earlier but it really was none of his business.

soobin's eyes lit up, momentarily forgetting about everything, "yes!"


everyone had gathered on the big lawn reserved for them. taehyun stood in the front with yeonjun, kai and beomgyu next to him.

"so, as you can see, we have 4 barbeque grills, so 3 rooms per grill." said taehyun and then proceeding to read out the teams.


soobin looked around and blinked. just what was this pairing again? soobin, jihoon, felix, changbin, kai, yeonjun, beomgyu, taehyun, hyunsuk, san, wooyoung and junkyu were all share a grill.

one, two, three...almost 8 people here were not straight. what a big coincidence.

taehyun looked at everyone and said, "12 people for grilling meat is excessive. so, umm, hyunsuk and jihoon are incharge of ramen. me, yeonjun, beo--ah sorry, i mean, soobin and junkyu will be incharge of the meat. beomgyu, kai, san and wooyoung can go to the convinience store nearby and buy snacks and drinks? does that fine?"

san and wooyoung nodded and said, "we'll head out first." and left.

beomgyu rolled his eyes. "i'm not going anywhere. why do you need 4 guys to go to a convenience store anyways?"

soobin had noticed how taehyun was about to say beomgyu's name but switched it with soobin. what's it with these four and dragging soobin into their drama?

"beomgyu, it's a group trip. you need to cooperate." said kai, clearly annoyed with beomgyu.

"and what if i don't want to? taehyun can go with you since both of you are such good friends. i don't mind staying with yeonjun, soobin and junkyu." said beomgyu.

"are you the team leader? no. it's taehyun and he decided how work is divided and we listen to him."

"why do we have to do that? anyways, he was made team leader by kissing the teacher's ass anyways." said beomgyu, his eyes widening after he realized what he said, "oh, i-"

taehyun clenched his fists in anger. "why the hell do i have to listen this crap from you? what's gotten into you? do you hate me for something? have i ever done anything to you?"

"it's all kai. he keeps spouting some nonsense about you liking me, i liking you and bunch of bullcrap."

soobin looked at them. are they nuts? they weren't the only ones here, was it okay for them to have such an important competition.

"bullcrap?" said taehyun, looking down, his eyes watering. "oh sure, that's glad to hear. my feelings for you are bullcrap, i do like y--"

"guys, you should head inside to have this conversation." said soobin, interrupting. there was so many people who were unrelated to this issue, having to hear about it. this was something so personal.

"shut up, soobin! it's all your fault anyway. things were going perfectly fine until that day beomgyu discovered your book. i had no issues hiding how i feel and i was intending to do so forever."

taehyun walked over to soobin and grabbed his collar. "what is your problem? you're not even part of us then why did you come here and ruin our friendship? i hate you, i hate you so much"

"hey! taehyun. that's crossing the line." said yeonjun.

"let go of him, taehyun." said kai.

taehyun left soobin's collar, tears flowing down his eyes. "you even turned my own friends against me."

"tae--" said soobin, reaching out but got his arms smacked away.

"don't come near me." said taehyun, walking out of the lawn and back into the hotel.

the silence hung in the air after taehyun left. kai and yeonjun looked at each other, their hearts heavy. taehyun was always the calm and composed one among them, it was so unlike him to burst out like this. he must've been really at his limit.

kai clenched his fist and walked over to beomgyu. "just what is your problem? how hard is it for you to not be such a fcking jerk? i can't believe such a dickhead like you was my friend for years."

beomgyu ran his hands through his head."how was i supposed to know that he was going to throw a baby tantrum like that and storm awa--?"

kai slapped him. "what the hell. you're so fcking conceited."

beomgyu put his hand on his cheek. what did kai just do? did he just slap him? beomgyu grabbed kai's collar. "stop acting like an angel, okay. don't think that i have no idea about you've been doing. i've seen you going to those illegal races. so shut the fck up."

yeonjun looked at his friends in shock. what was happening? why was this happening? they had been friends for over 13 years, their friendship couldn't be broken so easily like this. there's no way that would happen, right. they all were still best friends right?

beomgyu pushed kai away from his and stormed out the hotel gate.

the rest of them stood there frozen. soobin bit his nails, what was he supposed to do? what should he do? wasn't this all his fault in the end? what taehyun said was correct. if he had just pushed all of them out in the beginning this would've never happen--

soobin felt a hand on his shoulder. he turned and saw jihoon, giving him a smile.

jihoon whispered into soobin's ear. "don't beat yourself over this, it's not your fault. i'll help you."

"junkyu and soobin! go get with the grilling of the meat." said jihoon, taking over. "hyunsuk, you should get started with the ramen, i'll come over to help you mwauh. felix and changbin and cook the rice, okay?"

everyone nodded and went to do their work. yeonjun and kai stood fixated at their places, lost in thoughts.

jihoon walked over to yeonjun and put a hand on his shoulder. "think about who want to console the most. no one is going to bash you for your choice."

yeonjun looked at jihoon in surprise. someone he should console? taehyun? beomgyu? kai? or...soobin?

yeonjun's eyes widened in realization. he ran outside the hotel.

he needed to talk to beomgyu.


what a messed up chapter <3 how was it?

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pixiedust :)

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