My Little Titan (Child!Annie)

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     You do volunteer work at the orphanage you grew up in; one day a young blonde was brought in with a story that broke your heart, neglected by her drunken father, and her mother ran off saying she never wanted children or to be married. You spent time with her trying to get the little girl- Annie Leonhardt- to be social with other children but nothing worked, she would simply crawl into your lap and have you read to her or color with her or she'd follow you around like a little shadow. Every morning you'd come in she'd be sitting on the steps waiting for you in her little uniform, when you had to work she would constantly check for you, and would go sit in her room, sad that you weren't there, thinking she did something wrong. She didn't like when the other kids would have your attention and would cause herself to get in trouble so she could have you to herself. One of the nuns suggested you adopt her knowing how much she loved you and how much you loved her but you knew you weren't ready for a kid but after she said 'I love you ____, will you be my mama/papa?" With a rare smile on her face your heart melted and you did everything you needed to do to prove you could take care of her. It's been a year since you've adopted her, she's now five years old, she is in kindergarten, is very smart, and is reading on her own but still prefers you reading to her, but she still doesn't have any friends.

You're standing in your kitchen doing dishes watching Annie play out back with her dolls making them talk while her teachers words replayed in your head over and over again

"The other kids are afraid of her and her dolls, she doesn't have any friends."

You were too busy lost in the memory to notice your adoptive daughter had run inside and was now tugging on your jeans

"Mama/Papa, can you please play with me?" She asked holding her doll close in one arm, you let out a sigh still staring off into space wondering how to help Annie make friends. She looked up at you taking your sigh as a signal to quit bugging you and let her head drop walking back outside sitting down with her dolls playing again but this time she had tears running down her cheeks. You finally snapped out of the small argument you had with Mikasa while picking Annie up and saw Annie wiping tears away and dropped your dishes running outside picking her up

"Little One, what's wrong?" You asked swaying back and forth with her, she gasped for air wiping her tears away but they just kept flowing, you kissed her soft blonde har that was pulled up into its usually messy like bun

"Y-you don't wanna play with me...just the kids a-at school." She sobbed hysterically only making you hug her more kissing her forehead

"Who said I didn't wanna play with you?"

"You made the same noise my papa made when he wanted me to go away." She buried her face in your v-neck, you smothered her with hugs and kisses

"Of course I wanna play with you. I'm so sorry little one, I was just thinking about something...You play, I'll be right back." You smiled kissing her head setting her down, she nodded and plopped down in the grass playing again. You washed off the dishes with the sink hose placing them in the drain rack going back outside sitting with Annie, she handed you one of her titan dolls and held one in her hand the had blonde hair and blue eyes like her

"Do you like the dolls Aunt Hanji got me?" She smiled, you nodded wondering where Hanji had even found them

"Yes, they're...unique. What are there names?" She squealed with excitement pointing to each other

"That's the Rogue titan, that's the armored titan, I think he looks like Iron Man-but cooler-, that's the clossal titan, the dancing titan, and this is my favorite. Her name is the female titan!" She said holding up the blonde doll, you giggled and kissed her head

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