Love is Weird (Jean vs Ymir)

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This is one I'm considering a re-write on. I think I can make it better

Reader is female

_________ heard her heart pounding in her ears as she sat in the trainee corp dining hall. She was normally excited for food like Sasha and Connie, but tonight she couldn't eat and pushed the tray in the middle of the table...within Sasha's reach! Jean sat next to the (blonde/brunette/etc.) and hit Sasha's hand away from the tray

"Back away from the food potato girl, it's _______'s food." Sasha whimpered and ate what was left of her own food while Jean tried to get his friend to eat. The girl was too busy to notice her friends bickering as she stared at Ymir and Christa eating and talking. ______ smiles at the taller girl and sighs in admiration wishing she could get her attention like Christa did. 'Why can't she just smile at me like that?!' She sighed and turned her attention back to her food not realizing Jean was looking at her the way she had just looked at Ymir.

Most people brushed off the way he looked at the short/tall girl because he was constantly looking for a woman to be his wife and cook for him like his mother does, but in reality he saw ______ and he was scared of her. Everything she did, her fighting skills, were flawless and she'd climbed her way to the top fighting for top of the class against Mikasa. She always wanted to be partnered with Reiner or Bertholdt because they were twice her size and it never took her long to take Bertholdt down. She was his warrior princess...or so he wanted her to be, but she neved looked or touched him in a way that a girlfriend would, it was always ruffling his hair or punching his arm.

_______ giggled as she and Jean walked outside, her wrapped around his bicep with Sasha and Connie so their friends could run off some energy. The two talked and discussed training and which division they would go to whether they made the top 10 or not

"Garrison sounds like a nice stable job..." She tried to make it sound like that was the end, but Jean knew there was more and nudged her

"Which do you want to join though..?"

"The Scout Regiment." She blushed and Jean felt his heart sank as he really hoped she'd stay near him and he could protect her, whether she needed/wanted it. Before he could try and convince her to join the MP with him, Ymir and Krista came over and Jean rolled his eyes as ______ struggled to keep her composure.

"Hey guys." Christa chirped and the two smiled at the girls

"Hi Christa...Ymir." Jean said trying not to roll his eyes as the girl on his arm tightened her grip

"Hello Christa...Hi Ymir." She said in what Jean would describe as a seductive voice and it killed him as the taller girl just nodded at them. As the four talked Ymir and _________ discussed sparring and ________ asked if Ymir could train her, she didn't need it...but she wanted to be near the girl and hoped maybe she could impress her with her combat skills. The two paired up while Jean and Krista paired up to keep an eye on them; ______ got a few hits in and even knocked Ymir down, but it only pissed her off and on their third round Ymir didn't hold back, knocking the girl down, each hit got harder and it wasn't until Jean stepped in

"Okay give her a break! She was just trying to impress you."


"Because she likes you!"

"Me and her?" Ymir being Ymir just laughed at the idea, Krista covered her face and pulled the girl away while Jean went to help _______ who pushed him away and ran off

"Leave me alone." Jean sighed just as Connie and the others came over

"Why so glum chum?" Connie slapped his back

"_______, she's upset...."

"You know you've been fussing over her a lot lately, I think Mikasa will get the wrong idea..." Connie joked and Jean sighed

"I don't care, _______ is upset and I upset her!" Jean said in a panic and his friends raised an eyebrow at him

"Do you like _______?" Sasha asked with a smile

"I love her, she's....well perfect." The others couldn't help but laugh, except Bertholdt who made an uncomfortable face

"You? Jean Kirschtein are in love with ______?"

"So what if I am? What's so funny about that?"

"You think you love every girl who fits your idea of a wife..." Reiner joked

"You know what? Screw you guys, I gotta go find _______." He said walking off annoyed and embarassed.

Jean found ________ sitting in the grass, dirt stains all over, her left eyebrow cut and bruises all over and she picked at the flowers near her until Jean plopped beside her and rubbed her back

"I'm sorry she doesn't like you. I understand what it's like to want someone who doesn't want you." ______ looked at her friend thinking he meant Mikasa and rubbed his arm

"At least you still have a chance with her though? Ymir and Krista are close and in love...I thought maybe it'd last a week or two, but we're going on a year now and listening to them in the barracks is disgusting." He smirked softly and nods as he thinks about what she said about having a chance and looks at her

"I love you...and unless you plan on confessing your love anytime soon I don't think it'll work least for now. But I love you and I will protect you and follow you wherever you go, even if it's to the damn Survey Corps... where we'll die horrible deaths." He said the last part flatly, as in his mind it was a fact, and the girl stared at him in shock

"We really need to get you a think you love me? Jean be serious, it's a crush at the most." He furrowed his eyebrows in anger

"I'm so sick of everyone telling me how I feel god damn it. I love you, idiot! I see you and I'm instantly in a better mood, being around you is the highlight of my day...hell even yelling at each other would be the best part of my day just because I get to be with you. I'm willing to follow your ass to the Scouts and put up with that Jackass Eren. You don't have to love me back, but just at least acknowledge every damn time I've been by your side!" He yelled, others looked at them briefly and the girl turned red with embarrassment. She remembered every time she got hurt to walking her to her barracks and she sighed as she realized how silly she'd been

"I'm so sorry I never noticed...I can't say I love you in that way...but I do love you as my best friend." She smiles. As time went on _______'s feelings for Ymir faded, she focused on Jean, first returning his kindness, and then it turned into things she wanted to do, and then on the night of their graduation when it was time to choose a branch she told him she would follow him

"Don't choose the Scouts because I want to join..." She said placing a hand on his chest and he chuckled at the girl

"You and me, remember?" She smiled and kissed him softly yet passionately

"Scouts it is." The two refused to go on expeditions without the other, every step the other followed. Sometimes it was dangerous to be so focused on the other, but Jean wasn't gonna let her out of his sight and ________ was scared to lose him...they made a good team when they were together and often paired together. _______ often stayed away watching Jean sleep some nights and sighs thinking about where they started.

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