Do it for her Part 2 (Brother!Zeke)

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Again not an incest one, but I will give you guys a heads up I do have an idea for I apologize in advance

When Zeke first learned of his siblings he was focused on his brother. Eren was a titan shifter, possibly driven to it like he was by their father. His sister, he shrugged off in the beginning, she was human and Eldian filth, but she made herself known and be heard when she fought him one on one, never allowing him to tranform but nearly chopped off his head. She was Eren's older sister and his younger sister, she hated him and the feeling was mutual.

When he learned he would be an uncle it was when her belly was swollen and he was disgusted with the fact that she was related to him, especially with his plan to sterilize their people and here his younger sister was getting knocked up like some common whore. The baby was a healthy little girl with his father's second wife's name. She looked identical to her mother from what Zeke could tell.

"Awe, what a cute little baby." Pieck teased as she looked at the photo Zeke had taken of Cora and Carla when Carla had just turned a year old

"Who is that?" Gabi asked nosey trying to grab at it

"Yea who's the babe..?" Porco smirked snatching the photo

"That would be my kid sister you pervert." Zeke snatched it back, Porco's eyes widened and Pieck and Gabi giggled

"I wanna meet her!" Pieck smiled causing the kids to nod

"Yeah, Reiner did you ever meet his sister?" Gabi jumped on her cousin who blushed and nodded

"She was...kind, funny, especially when it came to separating Eren from a fight. Don't let her hit you on the head...that doesn't feel good." He said remembering the time he made a crude comment in their training days and he felt her strength for the first time. Zeke kept the photo close to him, for research purposes, he insisted, but he was curious what this woman was like when she didn't hate you. In his mind he assumed she'd be cold and formal with his niece, as his own mother had been, but when Eren talked about her with such high regard he doubted she was like his own mother nor their father. The first time he met her, he was on the island and he had heard Eren's followers talking about how she showed up and he went upstairs to talk to Eren and he heard a toddler and a woman talking and he was shocked to see her there, still in her uniform with her hair down playing with the two year old.

"Well, what a reunion." He remarked making sure his prescense was known feeling like startling or creeping around would end up in a fight; the woman whipped around and stared at him with those big e/c eyes and then they narrowed into a glare

"I should go..." Cora sighed and grabbed the diaper bag that Floch lazily grabbed from the school

"Cora, please don't. He's our-"

"He's not anything but a murderer to me Eren." She said shaking her head keeping eye contact with Zek3

"Cora and I have more in common than you realize." She looked at him in disgust as he stepped closer

"Please explain." She tsked at him, adjusting Carla on her hip

"Well we share a father, a hatred for him, and a love for our little brother. Please stay, let's talk as a family, as siblings." He said with a charming smile, she sighed and looked at Eren who kept his head down

"What do you think Eren?"

"I want you to stay..."

"Fine, I'll stay for a bit." Carla nodded and babbled. It took a bit, but Cora reluctantly let the toddler wander over to Zeke who put out his cigarette and looked at his sister for approval before scooping the toddler up

"Be careful, she might grab your beard...that's what happens with Jean." She mumbles, Eren briefly smirks and watches the two. The toddler stands on his lap and babbles, grabbing his beard and squeals and puts her nose against his and rubs them together as her mother does to her

"Nose kiss!" The toddler said but it sounded more like 'No kiss'. He watched as she sat on his lap and played with his clothes while they talked. It was nice, for once they felt like a family, Zeke felt like he had a family. Even as they ate dinner and he watched Cora interact with her daughter. Warm and loving, smiling at her toddler as she were her whole reason for living. She was nothing like his own mother, but he assumed she was similar to her own. Carla's laugh filled the room, so innocent, so unaware of the cruel world she lives in and the fucked up family she was born into. Nothing changed today, the war would rage on and the Jeager siblings would remain on opposite sides, but there was a deep respect for what the other had to do.

The next time he saw his sister and his niece was when they had snuck a boat over to Marley. They blended in so well, she even put on an armband. It was Reiner who saw her first, he had to step back when he saw her with a toddler on her hip. He walked ahead of Gabi and her friends and could only stammer as he gestured to her and her daughter.

"Yeah, either speak or go away Braun. I'm not really here to talk to you."

"Why are you here Cora?" He asked confused seeing his ex/the love of his life with her daughter. His first thought was that Jean was the father, they had always been close in training Corps and from what he learned from Eren it stayed that way and intensified.

"Oh you know, sight see, catch up with my ex. I need to talk to Zeke about Eren." He rolled his eyes at the sarcasm and nodded

"Come on." He led her past the others, Pieck and the kids followed being nosy as Reiner led Cora to Zeke who was talking with Colt and Porco. Zeke looked up at the sound of Carla getting excited at the sight of him

"Cora." He said standing up, putting out his cigarette, and met her mid way. He noticed her clothes and Carla's armband and it made him feel weird and sad to see them as Marleyans and thought about the things he had been through and didn't want either of them near it. The others were nosy and stayed close to the door as the two discussed Eren and his choices, etc. it became an argument about what was best for him and ended with him grabbing her by the throat

"I will do whatever it takes to keep my family safe and like it or not, you're a part of that. This is what's best for our people Cora. Our people are a disease." Her face contorted into disgust

"You must have a really warped sense of humanity to think it's better that Eldians die off. Without your armbands you wouldn't be able to tell each other apart." She pried his hand off of her and he watched as she went over to the sleeping toddler and he frowned, she was so naive for someone so smart. She was sheltered as a child like Eren, that was what he convinced himself, but watching her with Gabi and the other kids, Carla, and how kind she was despite her hatred for titans. Even she and Reiner could be around each other as he got to meet Carla. Maybe she was right, but all he knew was he was willing to do things differently if he got the chance to see Carla grow up.

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