(Re-named) A Wild Night (SNK!Various)

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I'm obviously not the first person to do party au's, but this is my take and it made me laugh writing it

Reader is female and bisexual


Armin was the first to wake up as his blue eyes fluttered open before he groaned and blocked the bright morning sun with his hand and he realized he was lying spread eagle on the cold hardwood floor of his living room. He slowly sat up and saw several broken bottles, crumbled up red solo cups with different names written on them; Erwin lay shirtless with a bloodied hand, not two feet away from him, with beer bottles outlining his body, but that wasn't nearly as surprising as he looked at his wall and saw black markings all over and once he got a better look at it, it was some mathematical theory written in fucking permanent marker. He sat there for a few minutes with his mouth dropped open and his eyes half closed

"Why the fuck is there mathematical problems on my fucking wall?!" He yelled causing the others to wake up

"Dude!" Auruo yelled managing to throw a cup at the teen before laying back down beside a snoring Petra who was wearing nothing but a bikini that wasn't even hers...and it didn't match; Erwin, startled, popped up breaking the bottles before laying back down with a groan at the sun before Eld yanked it close and curled back up in the dog's bed

"You dared Hanji to do...something and she dared you to do..whatever the hell that is. Now shut up and go back to sleep." Gunther explained before pulling his blanket over him; Armin sighed and grabbed a pillow laying down

"I'll deal with that later."

—— With Eren ——

Green eyes fluttered open and he had a perfect view of his kitchen and Eren leapt off his couch seeing his kitchen floor covering in cups and ping pong balls and saw some sort of pink liquid in his blender. He made his way over to it and sniffed at the mysterious liquid before he drank a bit with a shrug and loved the taste

"mmm," he smiled wishing he knew what he put in it and drank the rest soothing his pounding head a bit before he dropped the blender, screaming in horror causing Mina and Thomas to pop up "holy mother of fuck!" He scrambled away hitting his back against the fridge

"Oh my god! Eren. T-There's blood on your face!" Mina screamed pointing at him with widen eyes and the teen popped up running to his bathroom seeing his missing front tooth

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my mother fucking g-"

"Hey! No using the god's name in vain asshole." Slurred Hitch as she pushed open the curtain revealing she lying in a bath tub filled with ping pong balls and cheetos.

—- With Connie, Sasha, Jean, and Annie ——-

Connie woke up grumbling about his headache as he sat up yawning and stretching before he scratched his stomach looking down at his clothes and raised an eyebrow 'why am I wearing a Domino's uniform?' He thought to himself as he looked around for his Papa John's uniform and spotted an open box of Pizza Hut pizza on his floor with fourteen two liter bottles of Mountain Dew around the room with a pizza hut delivery girl wearing his uniform with Sharpie marks on her face.

Sasha woke up to her alarm clock and slammed her hand on the clock grumbling as she looked around seeing herself in her party dress from the night before and her phone on the floor; snatching it up she saw thirteen texts from different people and clicked on Connie's reading 'Dude last night the guy gave u a wrong kind of McFlurry, so u tossed it on the ground and yelled "YOU MCFUCKED UP!" And stormed out grabbing a bottle of Jack Daniels. Where'd u go?' (Sorry I couldn't think of ways to shorten the other words) and she clicked on the other messages that read 'was that you I just saw long boarding in high heels with a bottle of Jack Daniels in your hand?' and she saw a Facebook update from Ymir of her doing said activity

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