💚Chapter 2- The Lounge Room💚

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(👆Taurus aesthetic)

Libra POV:

I woke up early that day, and wanted to ask Scorpio why he had woken up the new girl. I went to the water sign's cabin and surprisingly, the door was unlocked. I didn't mean to be rude, but it was the morning and I wasn't thinking properly, so I went inside.

Shocked, I saw the new girl staring at me on the couch. "Oh my god hii. Sorry to disturb you, I was just checking in. I'm Libra." The new girl smiled at me and said, "Hey, I'm Pisces. It's okay, we're fine. Can I talk to your leader or whoever kidnapped me?" I tried not to laugh when she said this, and simply said, " Aries isn't really in a good mood right now." "Why?" she said.

"Scorpio" I replied glaring at the closed door, where Scorpio was probably inside. "Oh".

Pisces POV:

"He's not in his room. I guess he's with Aries. "I wish I could tell him I'm sorry." All of a sudden, I felt so guilty.

"Hey, it's okay," Libra grinned. I noticed how pretty Libra was. She was like a ray of sunshine, so bright and majestic and then I thought of how messy I looked. I turned around quickly as I heard a door opening. Out from it, a short girl with white hair appeared.

"Hey Libra...wait. Pisces?" she looked at Libra, then at me. I smiled slightly.

"Did you just come? I'm so sorry. I didn't know...Make yourself at home, I'm Cancer." She then went over to the kitchen and she seemed like she was making tea. I thanked her and told her it was okay, and then Libra said goodbye and left.

Cancer came up to me with two cookies in her hand. She gave me them and said, "You should go outside. Everyone will be waiting to meet you. I nodded, took a cookie and got up. "Thanks again." I said and turned to leave out the door. "Wait. Before you go, they can get a bit too excited at times. You don't have to answer any personal questions." Then she frowned. "Actually, I'll come with you".

Gemini POV:

"HAHAHAAAHHAHA!!! I SWEAR, THE LOOK ON HIS FACE WHEN HE FOUND OUT-" "OH SHUT UP YOU TWO FACED LITLLE-" "Y'ALL GONNA END UP DEAD TODAY-" "WHAT THE HELL, VIRGO CHILL OUT!!" I laughed at all the chaos we were having. I mean, this was a normal morning with the fire signs. All of a sudden, I noticed two people come out of the Water Signs' room. I recognised Cancer, but the other person definitely wasn't Scorpio. "SHUT UP-" I yelled, and with that, everyone fell silent and all eyes went to Pisces. 

I stared at the new girl, and how she looked so terrified and confused at the same time. I realised how scared she would've been when she heard the fire signs rambling on. So, obviously I had decided to cheer her up. "OH MY GODDD!!! HI CUTIEE, YOUR SO ADORABLE, ISN'T SHE GUYS?! YOU MUST BE PISCES, RIGHT? I'M GEMINI, AND I'M AMAZING." She stared at me dumbfounded. "Come on, don't be scared, sit down." She hesitantly sat down with Cancer. "So, hey I'm Leo. Girll... what happened to you? Did the big fat Gemini scare you?" Leo chuckled. I rolled my eyes.

"Don't worryyyyy for heaven's sake we don't bite. At least I don't, there's no telling what Leo can be like" Sagittarius laughed. Pisces stayed silent. "Can't you tell she already hates you all,".  I frowned when I saw who spoke.

Pisces started to speak, "n-no it's not that-" Scorpio glared at me. "Ugh Scorpio, we're just trying to have fun with her." Scorpio just ignored me and left the room.

"Sweetie don't listen to him, he's the one who wok-" I noticed Capricorn glaring at me to tell me not to stress her. "Uh you know what, never mind".

Author's POV:
After a while, the signs got to know Pisces more and she felt more comfortable with everyone. She fit right in and she enjoyed everyone's company a lot.

After the day Pisces arrived, the Zodiacs decided to have a party, a celebration that the last zodiac finally arrived. And let me just tell you dear reader, the party..well..let's just say- things could've gone better.

Oh, who am I kidding- it was horrible. And not horrible in that way. I mean horrible as in, people cried, things got messed up, there was a lot of anger and more of that.

And yes, you might not like all this violence, but let me remind you- after every storm comes a rainbow. 🌈✨

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