💖Chapter 7- Pool Party💖

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(^Libra aesthetic)

Aries POV:
We drove for about an hour through the city, but had to come back because we couldn't find anyone or anything. What dumb idiot would make us go on a wild goose chase for no reason? I was starting to get angry. Ugh.

"Yeah, and WE COULDN'T FIND ANYTHING!" I said explaining things to the water and earth signs. Virgo frowned "What? But why would they-" "I don't know?!" This seemed too easy. I was so confused.

I felt someone behind me and turned around. Libra smiled at me and said, "Ah Arii, it's finee. Now we don't have to worry about this Ophiuchus guy, and at least we had fun in the car ride,". I hate to say this, but that adorable little ray of sunshine had a point. "Yea yea whatever".

Pisces POV:
I woke up to see Cancer and Taurus chatting in our cabin. Why was he in the water signs' place? But I don't care less, because I knew Cancer had a thing for him. Aww.

I was just about to go up to her, when a hand stopped me. "Let them be, you can come to my room if you want." I stared at Scorpio and grinned.

"So um- were Taurus and Cancer together before I came?" I had nothing else to say. "Oh- Well, they're not together, not yet at least. But we don't really need to talk about them right now." He smirked and I swear my whole body went numb. I suddenly felt uneasy and edged towards the door. "Don't worry Pi, I was kidding. Anyway, you seem to have settled in quite well, how are you finding Leo?"

"He's very loud."

"No kidding."

We talked about the signs for a few minutes until he said "So what about you? You never told me much about yourself." I replied, " Yea, that's because my life isn't very interesting. I'm pretty basic I guess." Scorpio looked at me blankly and said, "Basic? Nah, you're pretty amazing. You got the most research done with the Ophiuchus thing, and the cookies you baked were pretty damn tasty." I blushed, but shook my head lightly.

"Well, I'm gonna eat breakfast. See you later, cutie".

Gemini POV:
"I want to have another party. The last one didn't count cause y'all got pissed off at each other." I heard Leo say. I couldn't blame him. I needed a break too. But at the same time, we're supposed to be looking for Ophiuchus. Ugh. Screw my indecisiveness. "I'm in."

In the end, everyone agreed we'd need a break, because we thought we'd probably not get another in a long time with Ophiuchus in our way. So, the pool party was on.

Time skip to 3 days later...

Aquarius POV:
The sun was shining and the grass was greener than ever. It was pool party day and everyone was excited. The food tasted amazing, and we were all having fun. I didn't want to get in the pool too early, but it seems as if a few people were already in the pool splashing around laughing their heads off.

And when I say "a few people", I mean Libra and Aries. I sighed happily. Cancer dipped her toe in the water and gave out a small squeal saying, "C-c-cold cold cold cold cold." I smiled and went over to Leo.

"Not going in yet?" I asked him. "Nah. Not until you come." I rolled my eyes and smirked. "Well I wasn't really planning on going i-" The loudest scream in the world interrupted our conversation. I swear, my eardrums would've burst if I hadn't covered them with my hands. I bet people from the other side of the world could've heard that. We all stared to where the scream had come from. Cancer, of course.

She was in the pool, shivering and yelling at Taurus, who had pushed her into the pool. "WHAT THE HELL TAURUS. YOU BIG FAT MEANIE. JUST YOU WAIT UNTIL I KILL YOU RIGHT THIS INSTANT. DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW COLD IT IS IN HERE?!!?!!!!!??!" Taurus chuckled. I sighed again, this time not knowing whether it was of relief that Cancer was okay or annoyance. Those idiots. But I love them.

•Okay hi, yes I know, very short chapter, but I was busy. I will make a part 2 of the pool party don't worry.

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