💜Chapter 6- Plans of Evil and Mischief💜

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(Dedicated to amusicalintrovert because she was really excited for it lol 😅)

Author POV:

The Zodiacs were all 'chilling out' in the Lounge room, when Sagittarius decided to take things into her own matter. She explained to everyone what had happened with Jupiter and how he wanted her to kill Gemini and Pisces.

You see reader, Sagittarius here is truthful and won't easily put such big events behind her. I myself have come across many amazing Sagittarius who are extremely honest beyond measure. Anyways, I hope I'm probably boring you with my personal experiences, so I'll get back into the story.

 They all discussed how this was strange and Taurus explained how Venus herself, had tried to kill Libra and himself. The Zodiacs, like most people would be, were very shocked.

The only person who seemed unusually quiet during the whole discussion was Cancer, who had a good reason too, I must say.

Ophiuchus POV:

"YOU IDIOTS!" I was outraged by what had happened with Cancer. "FIRST OF ALL, YOU, TELL ME THE TRUTH" I screamed in the Moon's face. Her expression remained the same, which angered me more. "I don't know what you're talking abou-" I was furious. That goddamn liar. "Yes you do. I sent you one task: to kill Cancer, and what did you do? You saved her, didn't you? You didn't kill her with your stupid excuse for magic!" My eyes were slit.

She remained silent. "And your apprentice? Seriously, is that the best you could think of?" I fumed as she looked down. There was no point wasting my time on her.

"AS FOR THE REST OF YOU. I ORDERED YOU TO  KILL THEM. WHY ARE THEY STILL ALIVE?!" I glared at the other planets. No one responded. I'll get them talking, alright. I'll get them talking.

But, as for the Zodiacs, I'll need to come up with a plan. The only thing that was clear was that I'll find a way to kill them and I won't stop until their dead. (If you are confused at this part, pls look down below at the bottom of the page. I'll explain everything there.)

Gemini POV:

He had a cold stare, his eyes as dark as the night sky. His aura felt mysterious and eerie. When he grinned, his smile felt evil and smug. Whoever he was, I didn't like him. He began to speak. His voice was rusty and dull. He rasped, "Gemini, this is a vision. My name is Ophiuchus."

A shiver went down my spine as he continued, "You want to know the answers don't you? Your friends and yourself  want to know why you're in danger. Why the planets did what the did. Why this is all happening. Well, I have the answers. Come meet me in the alley along Sophrix street in Galdt City. I'll be waiting."

I woke up, sweating. It was a dream. But I'd figured I should tell the others about it. But apparently, there was no need to, as it seemed like everyone had the same dream. I told everyone I had the same dream too, and that's when I realised what we had to do. "We're going."

Everyone looked at me like I was crazy. "Someone call the nearest mental hospital. Are you thinking straight dude?" Leo said. I rolled my eyes. I was serious. Not even one of my mixed personalities could argue with me this time. Me, Gemini has made my mind clearly, for one. No indecision required.

Author POV:

Hello there, yes I'm back again. I feel quite special honestly, having being in this chapter twice already.

So, as we all know, Gemini has gone out of his mind. Or has he?

Everyone thought that it was too risky going to a city, not to mention a huge city with millions of people when everyone in the world was made to believe that Zodiacs were ruthless criminals, needing to be captured and murdered viciously.

Plus, no one even knew about this 'Ophiuchus'. No one but Cancer of course, but you'll find out soon why she doesn't tell anyone about him.

To the Zodiacs, Ophiuchus was not to be trusted. But, Gemini insisted this would be the only way to get some clue as to why the world hates them and it might be the only chance they have. Plus, who knew what would happen if they didn't go.

In the end, Gemini convinced half the group. So it was decided that the fire signs and air signs go to the city in search for Ophiuchus, while the water and earth signs stay at home 'trying to find answers'.

Aquarius POV:

We all got in the car. Aries and Leo in the front seats, with Aries driving. Libra and I stayed in the middle seats while Sagittarius and Aquarius were at the back.

I've known Libra for a long time, so it was fair enough to say we were good friends. She was very bubbly and funny. Venus often came to visit Saturn. Capricorn and I were brought up together, so whenever Venus came, I played with Libra and Capricorn talked to Taurus.

I smiled as she was going on and on about the mission and how brave we were going to be. Then, I looked backed to se Sagittarius and Gemini laughing with each other. I smirked. Libra soon saw them too and squealed. "Oh my god Aqua, they were made for each other." I laughed then replied, "Just like you and Aries." She blushed then looked away in embarrassment.

"What about you then? Don't you have an important someone?" I looked at her calmly then said, "ha, no." Out of nowhere, I heard Leo say, "Woah- Galdt City is pretty huge." Aries replied, "Yeah, no kidding Captain Obvious." I looked outside the window. Wow. It was huge.

The buildings were tall and looked modern. There was dozens of people crowding around shops and lit up places. Bright glowing lights of all colours illuminated everywhere. Woah...

"Pretty huh?" I whispered. "Just like me" I heard a voice say in front of me. "Leo you idiot" I rolled my eyes in amusement. "Don't get too jealous, angel" he replied. Seriously.  "Don't call me that." I told him. "Yeah, don't, she's anything but an angel" Aries interrupted.

I rolled my eyes. Libra giggled. "Well, at least I don't have a crush on a girl that only laughs at my lame excuses for jokes and not anyone else's ". I swear I saw Libra turn red. We all burst out laughing.

I looked at the back seat and saw Sagittarius leaning on Gemini's shoulder as they sat there, their eyes gently closed. Libra saw this too. Oh no. "AHHHHHHH OMGGGG AQUA ARE YOU SEEING THIS?! SAGITTARIUS AND GEMINI ARE SO CUTE TOGETHERR!!" Libra squealed. Sagittarius and Gemini woke up in shock and turned away from each other.

I sighed. Sometimes, Libra is the best person in the world, but she can also be completely mindless.

Taurus POV:
We studied and watched movies that night. I wondered how the other signs were going, when I remembered I don't give a damn about them.

It was 2:13am. I woke up and wanted to go check on the water signs, because they left earlier to go to their rooms, I don't know why. I'm pretty sure they were awake anyway. I knocked on the door. Cancer slightly opened it.

She opened it more when she saw me, but for some reason was hiding her face. "Hi Tauri" she said while trying to look away from me. What was that all about? She covered her face with her hands. "Why are you hiding your face?" I looked at her, feeling sleepy all of a sudden. "I-I didn't know you were going to come and w-well, I look ugly right now okay?" I frowned. "Cance, That's messed up" I frowned and gently moved her hands that were covering her face. She looked at me sleepily. "That's better." I smiled.

•Ahh omg Taurus smiled for once!! Haha thx for reading. Hope u enjoyed this chapter!

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