💛Chapter 3- Disappearances💛

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(👆 Gemini Aesthetic)

Leo POV:
"WOO!! PARTY'S TONIGHT GUYS! CAPRI HELPED ME FIND SOMEHWERE HUGE TO PARTYYY" I was so excited. "Why would we need a huge space when there's only 12 of us?" Sagittarius looked at me. "Because Sag, I GOT THE PLANETS, SUN AND MOON TO COME!!!" Everyone looked at me.

"Damn, how on Earth did you convince them to come?" Taurus looked at me. "Well, I mean, I told them we had all the 12 Zodiacs finally and they agreed to come. Kinda weird, but we can't throw away this opportunity."

Capricorn glanced at me then said, "They honestly didn't seem happy about it, but they're coming anyway." I didn't need to worry about that right now though. I had a party to go to tonight. A big party. I'm usually the life of the party anyway, so I had plenty on my mind already, so I couldn't waste my time thinking about things, let alone things I don't even care about.

I went to go to my room, when I saw Pisces sitting down on a small chair reading a book. She had settled in quite quickly in the last couple of days. Come to think, she is actually quite a likeable person, so I wanted her to come to the party. "You're coming right?" I said. She looked up and gave a small, sad smile then replied, "Well, I don't really kno-" "Oh come onnn fish girl, have some fun for once" I gave her my most convincing smirks. She giggled softly and said, "Fine. I'll come".

I went back to Aries, and Sag, and we had the usual Fire Sign arguments, another episode of 'Who's the Best at Everything'. I obviously won. Then we laughed and joked with the air signs, and so far, everyone seemed to like the party idea, and was coming.

I bumped into Virgo on the way to the kitchen, when I noticed her frowning. "Hey, what's up V? Let me guess, you don't like my party idea?" I said, thinking of how Virgo might think it's too much people or how we're too pathetic and peasant-like to be shown in front of The Planets.

"No, it's not that. It's just that, don't you think it's a bit suspicious how The Planets said yes, even though they didn't seem like they wanted to?" "Sure, whatever you say Tulip". I glanced at her, slightly rolling my eyes. "Don't call me that".

I laughed when she said that, because she hates that nickname. Well, by hates, I mean she only likes Capricorn calling her nicknames, sometimes Cancer gets away with it. But, I'm just another annoying person in her life that takes full commitment into my job of excessively irritating such mature souls like Virgo's.

A few hours later, and we were all ready to go. And let me just say, everyone looked stunning.

I don't usually describe things or people as glamorous unless I'm talking about myself, but there was no denying that everyone had their own way of looking amazing, and it worked. I looked around the room to see the Zodiacs, Virgo looking like a goddess, but that's no surprise. Sagittarius, looking bold and ready to party. Pisces was looking adorable in her blue dress as Gemini had said. Aquarius was looking chill, and Scorpio, although I hate to admit it, was looking quite decent. Then my attention drifted to Cancer, who was wearing a huge hoodie, on top of what seemed like her pyjamas.

"What? Cancer, you can't rock up to a party in your pyjamas. Aren't you coming??" Cancer gave me a sad smile and gently said, "Ah- about that- I'm sorry but Taurus and I thought we'd stay at home and watch a movie or something.."

Gemini and Sagittarius looked at Cancer and then Taurus and then smirked. I could tell that Cancer found the silence awkward and started blushing when she thought of what she just said. "I-It's not that we want to be alone, it's just-"

I figured out what was happening and grinned. I looked over to Taurus who was also in a large hoodie with casual clothes. I thought of how Cancer is probably very tired because she helped set up most of the party, and plus, she was with Taurus, so it didn't matter so I said, "Yeah yeah sure, it's fine."

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