❤Chapter 8- Backstories❤

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Author POV:

So, here we come again to another special chapter, dear reader.

This time, we'll be looking more deeply into the backstories of the characters and how they formed this group in the first place. It's all very complicated in my head, but to put it short, this is what happened before they formed a group and met each other properly.

The point of views, will be in third person for this chapter, only because it's for the purpose of the backstories. I will go back to writing in the usual individual point of views for the rest.

However, one thing before you read, the planets take care of two zodiacs each. None of the zodiacs are related, so just because they grew up together, doesn't mean they're related.



Aries had been raised and taught by Mars. All the planets were in charge of taking care of the Zodiacs, so they wouldn't be hunted down by the society that hate them. Usually, the immortal planets take care of the Zodiacs until the end of the Zodiacs' lives, however, recently, things had changed.

The planets had two zodiacs each to take care of, so the zodiacs wouldn't be too bored in their homes. However young Aries barely got to meet his 'associate' that was supposed to spend time with him. It was supposed to be Scorpio.

Scorpio occasionally would visit Mars and Aries, yet he stayed with someone else. Pluto. With new knowledge and discovery, Pluto didn't have the role as a planet, yet he was still keen in taking care of the Zodiacs, so Scorpio stayed with him even though he was supposed to stay with Mars and Aries.

Yet, Aries remained tough, happy and perfectly fine by himself. Mars taught him how to be brave and gave him the leadership skills he needed. Although some say Aries got his 'hot-headedness' from Mars, he couldn't care less. He was young, bold and proud of who he was and the decisions he made.

One day, when Aries was about fifteen, Mars told him that he couldn't keep taking care of him and he had to go to the human world, find the other Zodiacs, and manage a way to survive. Instead of taking this as a sad, horrible thing (like most Zodiacs), he happily agreed, thinking he could take on anything that was thrown at him.

Aries went to the human world, and had to disguise himself amoung the people, as he knew the dangers of revealing his identity. He was alone, and was sent on a mission. Find the other Zodiacs, which he barely knew. Then, work together and survive.

With a strong attitude, he marched his way through the alleys, taking caution, looking for others doing the same. The one thing he knew was that he was going to be the leader of this Zodiac group and he would bring them all to safety.

Aries kept spending his years looking for the zodiacs, and earning his money in some secret  way.


Taurus and Libra had been raised by Venus, which some would say would've been extremely lucky. Millions of people worshipped Venus. She was said to be the goddess of beauty, but that was fairly obvious. She was very beautiful and elegant indeed, so many thought Taurus and Libra were lucky to be raised by her.

Taurus was a stubborn child. All he usually did was eat food and stare at the nature, thinking. He sometimes socialised, only with his friends, Capricorn and Virgo, who would usually stay at his house because Venus liked socialising with a lot of other planets.

Taurus held a soft spot for Venus in his heart, because she was like a mother to him. She treated them both very well and was always gentle and kind.

Now, when the planets knew they had to leave their zodiacs, they each went about it a different way. Mars straight away informed Aries and had faith that he would survive on Earth by himself. Venus however, went about it plain and simple, and without any explanation, just left Libra and Taurus on Earth.

Taurus was heartbroken by this and seemed depressed quite often because of his attitude towards the situation. To make matters even worse, Libra was separated from Taurus as they went onto Earth. Luckily for Taurus, he was with Capricorn and Virgo.

The three Earth signs (coincidently) had to make money somehow. They bought an old cheap shop and earnt their money together by selling bread and treats in their bakery shop, as they weren't told why they were sent to Earth.

Taurus often thought about Venus' betrayal while working, but also kept thinking if one day she'd come back, or why they were sent here in the first place? Soon enough, he began to think of the other zodiacs and where they might be. Did their planets abandon them too?

Cancer lived with Moon, who often visited the Sun, as they weren't like the other planets. So Cancer had spent a lot of time with Leo as a child.

As they grew up, Leo and Cancer became best friends, laughing and enjoying each other's company. When all of a sudden, they were sent to earth and their guardians were gone. The Moon had only hugged Cancer as a message of goodbye.

Cancer had arrived on Earth with Leo and began crying. Leo cheered her up and they realised they had to survive by themselves. The best friends set out for Earth with a positive attitude that evening.

Unlike the others, they had the time of their lives. They explored the new place, managed to buy food and did a lot of cool thing so. There was even a festival.

Cancer wouldn't have wanted anyone else to be with her. Cancer and Leo shared a very sibling like best friend companionship, and frankly, they were living for it.

Hello there!! So yea ik it's been a long while, but I got this chapter done in a rush. I will obviously make a part two and possibly three for the backstories. Also, I'm currently drawing mini versions of the zodiacs, soo yea, I'll probably put that on here sometime•

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