❤️Chapter 1- Vivid Flashbacks❤️

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(👆Aries Aesthetic)

Pisces POV:

'Help!' I ran through the street, screaming. They were behind me, chasing me. I did not know who they were or what they wanted, but they were coming and they were coming fast.

My heart kept beating faster. Is this what mother warned me about? She knew this would happen? I kept running, tears in my eyes, trying to get away from them, trying to lose them, but they just kept coming back. 

No. I don't want to die. Not this soon at least. I glanced quickly and spotted stairs leading to the dark subway I used to wait to take the train from. I went down there as fast as my legs could carry me, only to find complete darkness. All I could hear, was a heavy thuds of footprints. Then, I  suddenly heard a swoosh coming from behind me. I knew I wasn't alone.

'H-hello? Please h-help me' I whimpered, as if that were supposed to make me feel better. All of a sudden, I felt dizzy, as if I had been knocked out and the last thing I remembered was a strand of red hair flash before me.

I felt conscious, but remained asleep. Even though I desperately wanted to look around and find out where I was and what had happened to me, my eyes wouldn't let me. They stayed shut, which had me worrying. 

What if I were dead? Is that why I can't open my eyes? Am I safe? Where am I?  Then, sudden flashbacks of my beloved mother came into view. How she was suffering to keep me and herself alive after she found out I was a Zodiac. I could see her crying, suffering with all the pain I had caused her, and with that thought, I randomly started crying in my sleep. That's when I heard a dark, but somewhat gentle voice.

Scorpio POV:

I glanced through the door at the new girl (who we assumed was Pisces), watching her eyes twitch in her sleep, her face looking distressed. I knew that she was having flashback of her past before she became a zodiac, we all had flashbacks when we were new.

 They're painful and some zodiacs handled it better than others. Some cried immensely, others couldn't hold it together, seeing all the suffering and worry that came with their existence. She was different. I could already tell Pisces was quite strong mentally. I kept observing her through the door when suddenly, she started crying. Oh frick.

I couldn't just stand there and watch her cry, so I went up to her and tried to comfort her. I'm not supposed to interfere with the flashbacks, but then again, rules mean nothing to me. 'Hey, it's okay. Keep it together, I know your in pain right now, but you're okay, don't worry.' I spoke to her. She opened her eyes and glanced up at me with gratitude. I'm never acting this nice to anyone again, I thought as I realised how soft and baby-like I appeared to her.

Aries POV:
''Okay, so I rescued the last Zodiac, so we can finally move to safety." I stated firmly. Gemini looked at me and asked, "So she's Pisces??" I nodded as the rest of the Zodiacs continued their questions. "When will we get to meet her?" "Has she woken up yet?" "Has she had her flashback?" "How is she?" Questions drowned out the room. 

"LISTEN UP. You'll get to meet her soon enough. She's asleep and she'll stay like that for a few more hours. She is NOT to be waken, it is important we have our flashbacks to keep a memory of our past." 

"Okay.. but where's Scorpio?" Sagittarius asked.

I glared to the water signs' cabin, realising where Scorpio was and what he was obviously doing. He better not have..

•Hi there! So yea, sry if this chapter was short or hard to understand, I'll explain things one day. I'll make the next one longer. Ty for reading like always. 🥰🥰
Lots of love,

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