💙Chapter 4- Visit From a Goddess💙

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(👆Cancer Aesthetic)

Taurus POV:

I don't like change. Never did. Never will. I don't do new things. So, obviously I didn't like joining the 'gang of zodiacs'. Venus made me. She said I would be safe. She said that she would come back. She never did.

Venus is practically like my mother, she took care of Libra and I when we were was small. Then, one day she made up some stupid excuse to make us join a group of zodiacs which had seemed to be abandoned by their planets too. Libra was fine with it, she was okay with everything. I wasn't.

 So when I heard the Planets were coming to the party, I felt like a part of me finally had hope to see Venus again. But then, I thought of the broken promises and all the times I trusted her and was betrayed. I knew she wouldn't come. So being the stubborn person I am, I decided to stay home with Cancer.

I opened my eyes slowly. We were still on the couch. The tv was turned off. The others weren't back, I could tell. My eyes shifted to the clock on the table near the couch. 2:36am. I looked at Cancer gently sleeping. I would hate to admit that I like her in that way, so I won't. At least not until I'm ready.

 I moved my leg slightly. Surprisingly, Cancer's eyes fluttered open. She mumbled something tiredly. "Go back to sleep" I said. I saw her glance at the clock. "Tauri- why are they not back yet? Can we check on them-"

 "No. Don't worry. Just go back to sleep." I said sternly. My voice was tired and a bit croaky. I figured she was quite tired as well because she closed her eyes.

I was going to go back to sleep as well, when I heard a thud. I was sleepy, but I decided to get up anyway. I made my way through the hall to the lounge, when suddenly I heard a small, familiar scream from behind me.

  Cancer. I turned around to see in horror that someone was holding a knife up to Cancer's neck, looking at me. Pink illuminated the room. Her hair was long. She had the same sweet but deadly smirk as I had remembered. 

I immediately realised who this was and sighed in annoyance. Of course. It had to be her.

"Let her go, Venus" I said, looking at the beautiful goddess that had raised my from my childhood. I wasn't surprised. "Aww. Not even a hug or something after I finally come back?" She smirked. I was too irritated to respond. "Come back with me Taurus" Venus sweetly said. "No." It was so clear. There was no going back. "Come back to me Taurus." She repeated, "Or she'll end up dead."

She edged the knife closer and closer to Cancer's neck. I obviously wasn't going to let Cancer die. She looked as if she was going to cry, but she stayed silent. "Fine." I said. She pulled the knife away from Cancer who quickly rushed up and hugged me. She then said, "I'm coming with you." "No your not." Cancer frowned. Then she looked up at me sadly, probably remembering my stubborn nature. "Please Tauri-" "No." At this point, she was really upset. I felt bad for her, but I couldn't risk her falling into one of Venus' traps.

I could tell she was going to hug me again, but the room illuminated, a bright pink colour, and the next thing I knew, I was gone.

Venus POV:

It hurt seeing my poor Taurus hate me after all those years of me caring for him. It hurt that I have to do what I'm told. It hurt when Taurus started confronting me. It hurt because I didn't want to hurt him, I never would. But, no one gets much of a choice in anything nowadays.

"You promised. You actually promised. Now you expect me to come back?" Taurus frowned at me. "Whaaatt? Don't give me that look-" I tried to sound happy. I saw a wisp of familiar blondish hair out of the corner of my eye.

 "Libra darling, come out." Libra came into view. "Why do you want us here?" she gently said in that sweet voice of hers. Taurus glanced at her. "You weren't at the party?" he said. I interrupted, "No. I brought her here before that." "Speaking of party, why didn't the Planets come to the party in the first place?" Libra asked.

"Ah...well, long story. We can't promise a lot of things, and well we just uhm happened to be too busy." Why is it so hard to lie in front of these two?

They looked at me in confusion, so I decided too switch the topic, to what I was actually supposed to be talking about. "Listen both of you. I'm so so sorry I couldn't visit you in all those years. But you still care for me right?"

It took them quite a while to answer, which bothered me. It pained me to see that they were so hesitant with the question. My hand started feeling sweaty as it gripped tighter to the knife. "Yes." Libra was the first to answer. Taurus agreed a short while later. 

I hugged them both, feeling sad. Knowing I had to break their trust even more. Would they ever forgive me? "My blessed children, after all these years, I have come to you for help. You don't mind doing me a favour, do you?" I held up the knife from my back and tried to hide my tears. I'm so sorry.

Cancer POV:

I wasn't feeling so tired anymore. I was worried. For Taurus, and the rest of he Zodiacs. I decided to message the group chat.

🦀cancyy🦀: hey guys..u okay?

45mins ago

There was no reply. I was so focused on the rest, I didn't realise that someone was standing right in front of me. "Cancer.." I realised who it was. 

Tears came to my eyes as I saw a familiar face, with long shiny white hair with a beautiful but cold stare. I rushed up and hugged her. "I missed you so much." "I missed you too my child."

The Moon adopted me when I was born. I never knew who my parents were, but Moon is the closest thing to my parents, and she's amazing. She protected me from all dangers. Every time someone broke in and tried to attack, she'd make her eyes glow. She told me that when that happened, she was actually causing pain to the attacker. Mental pain. Disturbing flashbacks. She said she would teach me some day, but she left before she had the chance to. I knew she was going to leave, she warned me she would, and I hated it. But, I knew she would come back. Little did I know she'd bring someone with her.

I looked up to see an old enemy. "Moon, why is he  here?" I frowned. "My dear child, Ophiuchus is here to help you. You see, after you were sent to the Zodiacs, I found Ophiuchus. He was still a young boy, and he had a lot of knowledge, although he often got left out in many things. He soon became my apprentice, and when you come back, he will teach you what I have taught him."

I stared at Moon in disgust, something I thought I'd never do. But Ophiuchus was the one who used to bully my friends and I back when I was young. He was so rude, and I can tell that he still is. I wanted to complain, but it didn't seem fair. Instead, I said, "Come back? Oh, Moon, I love you, but this is my home now. I can't leave." The, she gave me a look. She never gives me looks. She's changed. Something is not right.

"Oh, you don't want to stay? I was hoping you wouldn't say that.." she said. Then all of a sudden, I saw tears in her eyes, she was crying. Ophiuchus evilly smirked in the distance. I could see Moon mouth "I'm sorry" and then I stared at her in utter horror and shock. Her eyes were glowing.

•Hii guys. Sorry for late update and sorry for the lack of characters in this one. I only did a few, but I'll make sure to do more Fire and air povs in the next chapter. Welp. Have a nice day/night then! :D

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