💛Chapter 5- Betrayel and Lies💛

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(👆Leo Aesthetic)

Sagittarius POV:
The party was getting more chaotic. I couldn't see clearly. Aries and Leo started arguing with Scorpio. I went up to them, feeling more and more dizzy with each step.

"AaaRrrrieeEESsssss you big Ram head. Stop bullying the poor mannn" I burst out into hysterical laughter. Leo started to give me weird looks. "What're yoOOUuu looking at you big fat weridoOOoo?" "Someone sane enough take her back home." I heard Aquarius say. "Oh shUut up, I Cann HanDLEE ThISS." I giggled, not knowing what was going on with me. The last thing I knew, I fell asleep.

Jupiter stared at me. "Ohh, heyyy man. It's you", I said. I was happy to see Jupiter. He raised me to be fun and carefree. He also raised, Pisces, but I never got to see her when I was young.

"Sagittarius, I'm going to be straightforward with you.." he began. "Great!" I smiled. "I need you to kill a few zodiacs for me." I smirked. "Which ones?" I said. "Oh, just Pisces and Gemini."

I started laughing. "HAHAHHAAAAAAAHAH!" You're so funny! Is it because of how annoying they are?" I looked up to see that he wasn't smiling. I froze. "Wait..your serious?"

Aries POV:
We got back from the party. I was still freaking angry and kind of worried because I didn't know where the heck Libra was. I looked around the lounge room and saw everyone was enjoying themselves. They said we'll talk about the missing zodiacs after breakfast. I don't get how they could be having fun when Zodiacs just disappeared.

Leo, Gemini, Cancer and Scorpio were playing some card game on the carpet. "Gemini , I swear to god if you have a spade, I will kill you" I heard Scorpio saying. Gemini just smirked.

Virgo and Pisces were talking in the corner, I decided to come up to them. "Guys, we need to find the other zodiacs or I will literally burn this place to pieces." I said, annoyed. "Good morning to you too" Virgo said. "So far, Taurus, Libra and Capricorn are the only ones missing," Pisces sighed. "Then where's Sag?"

"Oh. She's sleeping." That's when I just realised something. "Wait, Taurus disappeared too? Wasn't Cancer with hi-" "LEO! YOU DAMN LIAR!! I KNEW YOU HAD THE KING OF DIAMONDS!" Cancer yelled at Leo, who in return chuckled at her. "What? Are you just jealous that I keep winning and you never had the chance?" Scorpio, Leo and Gemini stared laughing. "N-not funny" Cancer managed to say in between her own giggles.

I marched up to them. "Okay guys, have you finished yet? We have to start figuring out where Taurus, Capricorn and Libra are." Cancer replied, "Yeah we were just about to pack up until 'Mr. Egoistic Is My Middle Name' decided to boast about how good he is at everything." Leo laughed.

I was just about to ask Cancer what happened to Taurus, when Aquarius came out from upstairs, "Uhm, hey guys, I think you need to come up here."

We all came up. I looked around Sag's room to see Sag, Taurus and Libra sitting on the carpet, wounded. Taurus had a slight cut on his arm, Libra's leg was bleeding and Sag's neck had blood smudged on the edge.

Capricorn was also there. He was standing, and had no bruises. Cancer rushed over with Virgo and tried to heal them, staring with Taurus. "What the f*ck happened.."

Capricorn POV:
I observed my surroundings. Cancer was talking to Taurus while healing his wound using her powers. Virgo rushed up to me. I was too ashamed to face her.

"What happened?" She asked sternly. "I was worried so much" she said, frowning. "I'm sorry." I couldn't say anything else. If I told her what I had done, she might never forgive me.

I wasn't sure what I was thinking, but I hugged Virgo. It felt good. She was surprised, but I think she was glad I wander hurt. I felt guilty.

Sagittarius POV:
"I can't believe you would do this to us Capricorn, you goddamn liar." I was angry about what just happened. The other Zodiacs don't know yet, but they'll find out. I hate liars, I despise them. But sometimes, there's no escaping them.

"What is she talking about Capricorn?" Virgo said gently, which was somewhat unusual. Cancer rushed up to Virgo, as if she was trying to support her in case something bad happened.

"Your pathetic excuse for a boyfriend here tried to kill us," I said, trying not to sound like Aries. "What??" Virgo's voice broke. "Tell 'em Cap."
"I made a deal. It's what I do. I work in business. Saturn was offe-"

"So you accepted the offer to kill your own friends?." Sheesh. Virgo sounded disappointed. "I wouldn't kill them-" Taurus and Libra were silent. Then Libra finally spoke up.

"He did Taurus and I a favour to be honest. Venus was going to kill us. He interfered and yes, even though he hurt us, we didn't die."

 Venus was going to kill them? Their own guardian?  

I looked over to Aries who looked like he was going to explode in anger.

"Virgo, you know I wouldn't hurt them" Capricorn tried to say. "I know" she said, looking away from him and definitely still ashamed.

Cancer POV:
I tried to talk sense into Taurus and how his life mattered more than Venus will ever know, but I could tell he needed alone time. My eyes turned to face Virgo.

It was a strange, but amazing fact, she always looks like a goddess. So majestic and beautiful. I admire Virgo, she's my best friend and always will be.

I admire Sagittarius' flame, her honesty. I admire Aquarius' calmness in all situations. I definitely admire Libra being optimistic all the time. But Virgo is amazing and sometimes... I feel like Capricorn doesn't deserve her.

"Hey V," I came up to her. "Hi Cance." I smiled sadly. "He didn't mean it." I began to say, when she interrupted, "How would you know that?. Listen, I appreciate you trying to help me Cancer, but I really don't feel like it." I glanced up to meet her eyes and smiled.

"Oh Virgo, I know he didn't mean it because he's ashamed to admit it to you. He's ashamed that this happened. If you weren't here, I know he would've said what he did immediately. But he didn't. He doesn't want you to see him as a bad person. It's because he loves you." (The cringe 😬😐)

Virgo was speechless. I mean, what can I say? Therapy is my specialty. No it's not- therapy is Pisces' speciality. But I've learned a thing or two from her. Feeling pleased with what I said, I went up to leave. I stopped, as I heard Virgo say my name. "Cancer, thank you." I turned to her and smiled.

•Ok hi! So..I was feeling kinda unmotivated, which is why this chapter turned out a bit cringe, not as good as my other ones and quite short. But, next chapter is all about the FIRE AND AIR SIGNS coz I keep leaving them out 🥺. Soo, cya!!

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