💙Chapter 9- Pool Party Part 2💙

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^Aquarius aesthetic

First of all,
Can you guys please check out imastubborntaurus account and his zodiac book. It's really amazing!!

Taurus POV:


It's both funny and ridiculously cute when she thinks she's scary and powerful. "No," I said simply and slyly grinned. She froze in shock which made me burst out in laughter. 'What? Why not?!' I smirked. 'Because I know you don't have the heart to do that." She stared up at me then frowned.

"Dammit, Taurus."

Libra POV:
We were all having fun at the party and it was great. I went to go get some food from Scorpio who was at the barbecue when I noticed something. Around the pool, there's always been a bunch of bushes and shrubs because Taurus is too lazy to trim them. We never thought much about it but I realised a small dark opening, a gap between the endless row of green. Forgetting the food, I went to go check it out.

It was quite dark and as I entered more, I gasped. I diceovered a whole cave like area, with dead grass, rotting plants and broken down walls. What on earth. How did none of us find this place before?? I knew I had to tell someone about it and just as I was about to go and get Scorpio, something caught my eye.

I felt like screaming but my mouth didn't dare make a sound. I felt like running but my legs didn't have the nerve to move. I had come face to face with the body now. The more I examined it, the more traumatic the sight became. A dead soldier. A rotting body. The armour covered in moss, just one symbol engraved in it left undamaged. The sign of Gemini. And that's when the sudden realisation shook me. This was one of the previous zodiacs. Murdered. That could only mean one thing. There's still someone out there, hungry to kill us all.

My legs began to dash to the exit. All of a sudden, I wished Aries was here with me. I began to run further when once again I got interrupted. This time, by a twig, cracking. Someone was here. My mind raced. Was it the killer? I knew I had to stay calm, I was nearly out of here. I glanced around hastily to see someone's eyes glaring back at me. It was a terrifying shock at first, but then the gaze seemed oddly familiar.

I managed to get out, panting as I ran to tell the others. And that's when I recognised the person inside and wondered. What was Capricorn doing in there alone?

Scorpio POV:
"Hm, really?" I stared at Libra telling her story then at this "gap in the bushes" that was apparently there. I couldn't see any cave or any dark entrance. As much as Libra's story seemed like a hallucination, she'd never lied to me before and she seemed really uneasy. I tried to believe her but ghosts, killers, Capricorn? "I thought Capricorn was talking to Virgo inside though" I explained to Libra. She still stood her ground.

"Okay well I'm going to go tell the others" Libra went off. "Wait!" I called after her. I knew it wasn't a good idea calling after her, it definitely caught Aries' attention. She turned around.

"Uh, I don't think it's a good idea telling anyone else. I mean, they'll probably just overreact and you know how Aries doesn't take these things lightly. Plus, it's just best you don't tell everyone unless you know all the details, okay?" Libra looked uncertain but eventually agreed, probably feeling guilty about keeping something from Aries. Speaking of Aries, I had realised he was standing next to me, his eyes fiery with anger.

"Why are you so keen on talking to Libra all of a sudden-" he started but I wasn't in the mood for arguing. "Calm down, I just forgot to give her chips like she wanted." Aries have a questionable glance but went away.

The truth is, Capricorn wasn't with Virgo. I actually had no idea where he was, but I definitely didn't want to worry Libra over nothing. It was all very strange, and if Libra was telling the truth, I'd have to find out myself.

Virgo POV:
"Virgo, where's Capricorn? He hasn't had any lemonade yet" Sagittarius looked up at me. "Ah it's fine, I think he's in the bathroom, I'll give him one" I knew exactly where he was. I didn't know why he was there, nor did I have a clue what he was doing. All he ever mentioned about "the cave" was "Virgo, when I explore the Cave further, I can either destroy the Zodiacs and everything they have ever loved or protect them from all harm forever".

It still worries me to this day, because the more he goes off to this cave, the more I am unsure of whether he'll chose to save us or kill us.

• Thanks for reading! If you are reading this close to the time I uploaded it, I really appreciate your patience because I have been quite busy recently and haven't had the time to work on this story. Sorry for the wait!! One more reminder that these zodiacs are just characters and are not based on the people I've met or you as a person. Thank you again,
P.S: If you haven't figured it out already, the dead soldier mentioned in this chapter with the Gemini symbol on it is a reference to the Gemini spoiler of a soldier dying in my previous chapter of this book called "🖤Spoilers Part 1🖤".

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