Chapter 9

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Disclaimer - I do not own jatp or their characters/plot lines/dialogue/anything I forgot to mention that I don't own

"Wakey, wakey, boys," I exclaimed, jumping up and down on the fold out bed, "today's the big day!" 

"Ugh," Alex groaned, "let me sleeeeep."

"No more sleep," I responded brightly, anticipation coursing through my veins, "Julie's performance is today and we have to be ready."

"Why? No one can see us," Reggie muttered. 

"That's not the point. We have to support Julie, she's probably freaking out right now. Besides, don't you want to hear her sing again?" I teased, knowing full well that they wanted to hear her again more than anything after listening to them talk about it for two hours, thirty seven minutes and forty three seconds. 

"Five more minutes?" Alex asked after a long pause. 

"Nope," I denied cheerfully. The body groaned, Luke shoving his face into the pillow. If that's how they wanted to be then I would have to do something far more sinister, something dangerous, something evil. I did not want to do it but they left me no choice. Sighing, I walked over to the piano, bracing myself for what was to come. Silence hung in the air for a few seconds as the boys relaxed, thinking I had given up for the moment. How wrong they were. Suddenly, I banged my hands down against random keys at once, a horrible dissonant sound coming from the instrument. Reggie yelped at the sound, Alex jumping in the air, Luke falling to the floor with a thud and a groan. 

"You're mean," Luke remarked. 

"I know," I smiled. "Get ready boys, I'm gonna go get ready, check on Julie, and then it's school time. Fun."

"School was great," Reggie responded with a goofy smile. 

"You weren't there half the time," Alex said.

"Exactly. It was great."

I poofed out with a chuckle, landing on my bed with a thump. These boys were insane. And I loved it. Standing, I made my way over to my wardrobe which I had conveniently left open when I ran away allowing me to actually get into my wardrobe. Small miracles. I slipped inside and fished out a semi transparent long sleeved white shirt covered in grey butterflies. Swapping my plain black shirt for this one, I changed into jeans, switching my sleepers for butterfly earrings. Quickly putting on some makeup, I straightened my blue hair (I imagine Sofia to have hair like Madison Reyes even though her face claim is Isabela Merced but that's just me) and tied half of it into a bun at the top of my head, leaving the rest down. I poofed into Julie's room to see her rereading Bright as she paced. Performance anxiety. But she was only playing for Miss Harrison so how bad could it be if she stuffed up? I mean, her future in the school kinda depended on it but it wasn't that important... yea no this was important. I would hate to be in Julie's shoes right now. And I couldn't even encourage her.

I watched as Julie paced and hummed the song to herself for the next fifteen minutes before Julie glanced at her clock, grabbed her bag and hurtled down the stairs. Shaking my head with an amused smile, I poofed back into the studio to see the boys in bed again. I should've known.

"Get. Up," I told them. They continued to 'sleep'. "Or I will smash your instruments." The boys scrambled to get out of the bed, tangling themselves in the blankets until they all fell to the floor in a groaning pile. 

"Alex that was my stomach," Luke complained, grimacing. 

"Sorry, I didn't mean to." 

"Let's goooooo," I said impatiently. 

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