Rules and a date

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Washington DC

Ellie's apartment

5:43 pm

Ellie sits on her sofa and draws as her phone vibrates. It's a message from Nick. "Hi, Ellie. Do you have plans tonight?" "No. Why do you ask?" "Do you wanna have dinner later?" "I'd love to. Where and when?" "How would you like a surprise? I'll pick you up at 8:30. "Okay. See u later." Ellie puts her cell phone down and continues to draw with a grin on her face.

Washington DC

Navy Yard, Sloane's office

6:14 Pm

Jack's sitting on her sofa reading through a file. Someone knocks at the door. "It's open," Jack says. Gibbs opens the door. "Hey, Jack. Can I come in?", he asks. "Hey, Gibbs. Of course", Jack replies, signaling him to come in. On his way to see Jack, Gibbs takes two red lollipops from Jack's desk. He sits down on the sofa next to Jack and gives her one of the two lollipops. "Thank you", says Jack and walks to the door. She closes it and sits back down next to Gibbs. "What do you want, Gibbs?", she then asks. Gibbs replies: "What's your opinion on rule 12?" "What do you mean?", Jack asks confused. "Just your personal opinion on Rule 12", replies Gibbs. "Rule 12? Never date a coworker?", Jack asks confused. "Yes." "Regarding you or in general?", Jack asks. "In general." Jack ponders for a moment, then she replies: "Actually, rule 12 prevents the procreation of two people. And besides, your agents override that. Just look at Tony and Ziva or Ellie and Nick. This rule is purely for your own protection and you know it. So if you ask me what I think of rule 12, my answer will always be, "That rule is total bs!" "And what about rule 10?", Gibbs asks. Jack looks confused. "Rule ten? Never get personally involved in a case? Why are you asking me about your rules?", she asks. "I feel that my rules are not helping me right now", confesses Gibbs. "Hey, that's ok. If you're not feeling well, we can break rule 12 and go to my place tonight" ,says Jack, placing her head on Gibbs' shoulder.

Washington DC

Ellie's apartment

8:28 Pm

Ellie has got herself ready and is now waiting for Nick while she draws at the kitchen table. All of a sudden, the doorbell rings. Ellie gets up and opens the door. "Hi, Nick. Come in", says Ellie. "Thanks. Are you ready?", Nick asks and comes in. Ellie closes the door and hugs Nick. "Yeah, I'll just get a jacket", says Ellie. Shortly afterwards Ellie and Nick leave Ellie's apartment and Ellie locks the door.

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