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Washington DC
Jacks Office
9:15 am, next day

Jack is sitting at her desk doing paperwork when Nick knocks at her door. She looks up. "Hey, Nick. Come on in", Jack says. Nick comes in and nervously closes the door. "Woah. Everything okay, Nick?", Jack asks confusedly. "I don't know, Jack. To be honest, I don't even know how to tell you", Nick confesses. "Take your time and grab a lollipop. Then it will go by itself", Jack says. Nick takes a red lollipop and sits down on a chair. After a short silence Nick starts talking: "It's about Ellie. I'm worried about her. She has no idea what she got herself into." "I know, Nick. But I'm sure she'll be okay. Just trust that", says Jack. Nick wants to keep talking, but there's a knock at the door. "Yes?", Jack asks. The door opens and McGee comes in. "Oh, Nick. Am I interrupting something?", asks McGee. "No, you're not interrupting. I was just about to leave", says Nick and leaves. "Nick, if you want to talk later, I'm here", Jack calls after him. "Jack, I'm worried about Ellie", McGee begins. 

Washington DC
2:00 Pm

Ellie is on the phone and dials McGee's number. After the first ring he answers the phone. "Ellie, how are you?", asks McGee, relieved that Ellie is calling. "Yeah, I'm fine", replies Ellie. "How's prison?", asks McGee. "Dirty, brutal and cold. But I'm doing okay. Haven't had a fight yet", summarizes Ellie. McGee is silent. "McGee, are you still there?", asks Ellie. "Yeah. I'm just a little overwhelmed. So in summary: You're fine and jail sucks", says McGee. "Something like that", says Ellie. "So, do you have any new information?", asks McGee. "Some people think they've seen me before. But we arrested them years ago and they weren't sure. Nothing else", says Ellie. "I'll tell Gibbs", McGee says. "And what about you? How are Delilah and the twins? And Jack, Nick, Gibbs, Ducky, Kasie, and Jimmy?", asks Ellie curiously. "Delilah and the twins are fine. Just like Torres and Jimmy. I have not seen Ducky and Kasie today. And Gibbs and Jack... Do you think there's something going on now?", McGee replies. "I don't know, I haven't seen them together since yesterday. But nothing was going on before yesterday", says Ellie. "Okay. Uhm, Ellie, I have to hang up and go down to Kasie. You'll call back tomorrow?", asks McGee. "Yes. Whoever of you I get first", says Ellie and hangs up. She looks at the clock next to the phone and realizes that she has seven minutes left. She dials again. "Who is this?", asks Odette. "Hello, Odette. It's me, Eleanor", answers Ellie. "Eleanor, are you calling from prison?" Odette wants to know shocked. "This has to do with the case", replies Ellie. "Will you be okay?" "Yes. Some people think they've seen me before, but we arrested them years ago", says Ellie.

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