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Washington DC
Navy Yard, NCIS office
2:26 pm

"McGee, Torres. Which one of you did Bishop call today?", Gibbs, who is just coming into the office with a coffee, wants to know. McGee and Nick are looking at each other. "Not me", they both say at the same time. "Neither me", says Gibbs. "Maybe she called Sloane or Vance today", McGee ponders. "She did not call me. Actually, I wanted to know how things were going", says Jack, who just got off the elevator. "I guess we'll have to ask Leon", Gibbs says. "No need, Gibbs. I'm here and she didn't call me", Vance replies. "She may have called Kasie, Jimmy, or Ducky", suggests Nick, not entirely convinced. "Let's find out", says McGee and calls Kasie. At the same time, Nick calls Jimmy and Jack Ducky. Shortly thereafter, they shake their heads. "We'll go there and find out what's going on", Gibbs says. Jack, McGee, Nick and Gibbs walk to the elevator.

Washington DC 
3:01 pm

Gibbs, McGee, Nick and Jack get out of the car and go to jail. "Hello, we're NCIS and we urgently need to speak with Eleanor Bishop. Could you please take us to her", Jack asks one of the guards nicely. "I'll have to ask the director first. Normally inmates are not allowed to be visited in the infirmary", the guard replies and calls briefly. "I'll take you there", he says after hanging up. He gets up and goes off. McGee, Gibbs, Nick and Jack follow him. "She's over there", says the guard. "One more question: what happened?", McGee asks. "She was involved in a prison fight", the guard replies succinctly and leaves. Jack, Gibbs, McGee and Nick look at each other anxiously and shocked. They go over to Ellie. "Bishop, are you okay? What happened?", asks McGee anxiously. "Yeah, I'm fine. It was just a prison fight", replies Ellie. "Ellie, that was more than just a prison fight and you know it. In a prison fight, you don't usually break your arm", Jack says. "You're right. It was kind of more than that. More planned than spontaneous. But they came at me and not the other way around. But now I know who's behind it", confesses Ellie. "Ellie, what exactly happened?", Nick wants to know with concern. "I'll tell you later. Please get me out of here", begs Ellie. "But...," says McGee, but Gibbs interrupts him. "Okay, Bishop.  I'll call Vance and he'll sort it out", Gibbs says, and walks away a bit. "Ellie, who is behind this?", Jack asks. "Amelia is Tanya's little sister. Tanya Owens. We were in the same class throughout. She was also one of the leaders when it came to making my life difficult", Ellie replies. Gibbs comes back. "Ellie, you are being released. The plan is as follows: When Ellie is released, we go to NCIS. There, you change your clothes, Ellie. Then Torres will take you to the doctor to have your arm examined again. You are not going back to NCIS, you are going to Torres", Gibbs says. "Boss, why can't I stay with Bishop?", asks McGee jealously. "Tim, I need you for the computer stuff", Gibbs replies. McGee nods somewhat disappointed. The warden enters the infirmary and removes the handcuffs from Ellie's right wrist. "Eleanor Bishop, you may go", he says. Bishop gets up with Jack's help and they leave the prison together.

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