Love and jail

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Washington DC
In front of the prison
9:03 am

Jack sits in the back of the car with Ellie, while Gibbs sits in the front. "You ready?", Gibbs asks. Ellie nods. "I am ready." Jack puts handcuffs on her. "Just stick to what we discussed. It'll be fine. And you'll be out soon", Jack says. "It'll be okay", says Ellie. "You'll make it!", says Gibbs, then Jack and he get out. Gibbs opens the door next to Ellie and helps her out. Then Jack and Gibbs hand Ellie over to the prison guards. Ellie is brought in and Jack and Gibbs stay behind. "She will make it. She is Bishop", Gibbs says. "You are right. But, Jethro, I really do worry about her. Somehow, I think something is going to happen to her", Jack worries. "She'll be fine, Jack. She can take care of herself. And besides, she has been getting tips from you. It doesn't get any better than this", Gibbs says to reassure Jack. But Jack still looks very worried. Gibbs takes her in his arms and kisses her. "What was that?", Jack asks, now more confused than worried. "That was a kiss", Gibbs replies in surprise at what he has just done. An awkward silence follows. Eventually, Jack jerks herself and breaks the silence: "Okay. One of us has to say it, after what just happened here. And since you're not exactly the biggest talker, I guess it'll have to be me." Jack takes a deep breath. "Jethro, I love you, my supersweet cowboy. I had that feeling even back when I was in your house. Before we met at NCIS", says Jack. Instead of saying anything, Gibbs kisses Jack again. "Shall we go to my place? I still have to change. And we could bring some of my things over to your place, if that's okay with you," Jack asks. "Of course. Do you have a basement?", asks Gibbs. Jack shakes her head. "Then we'll definitely move to my place", Gibbs says, and they both start laughing.

Washington DC
In prison
9:16 am

The prison guards have taken the handcuffs off Ellie and are taking her to her cell. The cell door opens automatically and they push Ellie in. The door closes again. Ellie would have slammed against the sink if her cellmate had not held her in time. "Thank you", says Ellie. "No problem", replies her cellmate. "Are they always this brutal?", asks Ellie, slightly shocked. "Only at the beginning or when you misbehave. By the way, I'm Amelia", replies Ellie's cell mate and introduces herself. "I'm Ellie. Why are you here?", Ellie also introduces herself. "I robbed a store and knocked down the owner. And you?", replies Amelia. "I'm accused of murder. But I didn't do it", says Ellie. "Woah! Stop! Never say that to the others! There is a reason why the cops arrested you! Especially with murder", Amelia gets upset. "All right! But they showed me the murder weapon. A knife I've never seen before", replies Ellie. "Okay. Then I'll help you get out of here. I only have two months left", says Amelia. "Thanks", says Ellie, and they both sit down on the lower bed to plan.

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