Getting to play the villain!

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Nejire's POV:

I was called to see Nezu. It was around 8 p.m. and I was wondering what he wanted. The time he called me in was also a little bit peculiar. Nonetheless, I went to see our beloved school god.

15 minutes after my name was called via the intercom, I arrived in front of his office.

I wonder what I did wrong? Maybe he wanted to see me for something completely different... But what could it be? He never calls students to go to his office normally and especially never at this late hour! Maybe some special lessons for the first years but why so late though?

There was nothing I could think off that would make sense, instead I got more questions. My curiosity got the better of me and I knocked on the door. Nearly immediately after I knocked I heard his approval and went in.

Nezu: Nejire what a pleasure to see you this late.

Me: If you don't mind me asking, why am I here?

Nezu: Ah straight to the point I see. Well I have a gift for you!

With that he jumped down from his seat and got a box out from underneath his table. He then went to my side and handed it to me.

Did I just hear right? Why would the principle give me a gift?

Me: A gift? What for?

Nezu: You will need this from tomorrow onwards.


What does he mean?

I opened the box and found a costume of some sort.

I opened the box and found a costume of some sort

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Now I was completely lost.

Why do I need a new costume?

Nezu: hahaha!

He was now creeping me out by his historic laughter.

That is never a good sign.

I do wonder what he is planning.

Me: A Costume...

Nezu: Your villain costume to be precise.

Me: A villain costume?!

What the heck is going on? Did I miss something?

Since when is UA getting their students- the villain vs hero war game!!!

Could it be that he plans to get the old tradition back?

Nezu: I hope you have a villain name in your mind.

Me: Nezu?

Nezu: Yes?

Me: Are you bringing the hero vs villain war game back?

Nezu: Pffff hahahahaha. I already did! The first year students were all wiped out by one specific student in the time spam of one week. It was a magnificent and very intriguing sight.

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