Chapter Fifteen

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Priya's  POV 

    What the hell happened last night?

    "What the fuck?!" I screamed loud enough to wake Rahul up. He jolted up in shock and got off the bed instantley. Entirely naked. "Geez, cover yourself! And what the hell happened last night? I can't sleep with you. No. No. No. Tell me we didn't sleep together, god!" I yelled walking back and forth panicking. This was my biggest nightmare. Seven years ago, I would have done anything to make this happen, but now was just not the best timing. He immediatley took the bedsheet and covered the bottom part of his body. 

    "Look I know it's not the best news, but we did sleep together. But there is no need to panic, I mean we were drunk. It does't matter. What's done is done." he said shrugging his shoulders. I couldn't believe it. This was not a big deal to him at all. This was all casual to him. I  bet he screwed a lot of women in his life. I was freaking out and he just stood there casually picking up his pants and putting them on. 

    "What do you mean it's no big deal? I just slept with you. You. Rahul Bhatia. I mean don't you remember what happened seven years ago or do I need to go over it again?" I said walking to my closet and pulling out a long sweatshirt that went up to my knees. 

    "Wait. That's it. I think I remeber now." He said with an alarmed look. I stood there confused waiting for him to elaborate as he placed his hand on his head trying to remember. "I came up here last night to clarify things, thats when you pushed me away and the next thing I know your pinned on the wall and we are making out and then you were on the bed-"

    "Ahh I don't need the details. Wait, what do you mean by clarify things?" 

    "Well to talk about what happened seven years ago. Look as much as you want to ignore it we have to talk this out. Our parents are great friends and I don't want things to be this awkward everytime we meet. I mean one way or another we always end up in the same spot. We fight and we leave eachother and then we meet again. And it's awkward. So let's just talk this through" he said pointing at the both of us. He was still shirtless which made me even more nervous than I was around him. His hotness was unbarable, I wanted to throw myself at him right there, right then. But I managed to resist it. Control it. 

    "Fine. Then let's get this over with shall we? Who starts?" I said crossing my arms arrogantly.

    "No. Not like that. Come on, get dressesd. Let's take a walk by the pool"

    "Seriousley?" I asked. He nodded. "Fine." I said storming into the bathroom.

Rahul's POV

    Priya showed up at the lobby wearing  jean shorts and white crop top with an infinity sign on it. Her skinny legs were in her white vans and her hair in a messy bun. She had changed a lot since I last saw her.  We exited the lobby and walked py the pool in total silence. I had so much to say last night, but by now it was dug into the bottom of my stomach. We arrived at the restraunt near the pool and decided to get some lunch. We sat down as the waiter put down two menu cards infront of us. She looked at the card attentivley and gave her order. My eyes couldn't stop looking at her. There was something about her. Something different, a spark. I suddenly heard the waiter calling me 

    "Señor" (Translation: "Sir") he looked at me with his eyes wide open waiting for me to give my order 

    "Si, lo siento. Pon me una hamburgesa de pollo y una cerveza. Gracias" (Translation: "Yes, sorry. Put me a chicken hamburger and a beer. Thanks") I said handing him the menu. For the next minute there was nothing but silence. Until she broke it. 

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