Chapter Six

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 It had been a week since I last saw Rahul at the party. I spent two days in bed crying at the thought of losing him again to that drugster bitch. Yeah I said it. She's a bitch. She a hard ass bitch and I hated her. I wanted to destroy her life, bust her to her parents about her drug addiction, put it up on the walls and the inernet. I wanted to scream out loud and tell everybody what kind of a person she was, but for now, I settled with telling my favourite and most amazing cousin. Her name was Karina. Karina Bhatt. She was from my mother's side family, three years younger to me, but the most understanding person I knew. So I skyped her and explained my situation to her. 

    "Are you crazy? Actually I meant, is he crazy? who does that man think he is treating like that? Cause my cousin ah ah. He ain't gonna do that to you on no he won't. Give me his phone number honey, I need to talk to this man and clarify to him whose the boss." She said in a ghetto accent. She made me laugh and even though her suggestions could be ridiculous, I could always count on her. 

    "Ok now your going crazy darling." I said to her with a smile on my face. 

    "Alright, look" she said rolling her eyes above "this is what you gonna do ok?" I nodded lightly and waited to hear her idea "you gonna stalk him, or Michaela and find out where he will be at some point, go there and make sure he sees you and comes up and talks to you. You gonna pretend like you talking on the phone to your new boyfriend and make him curious. No need to make him jealous, make him curious. You got me?" I looked at her with a confused face not understanding what would come out of her plan but I nodded anyways 

    "And how exactly will this help me might I ask?" I added. She sighed and replied

    "Look honey, I know guy theory, and trust me, getting a guy curious is like getting a math professor to solve for x, and by that I mean, if Rahul gets curious about who you dating, he will, yes or yes try to find out, and hence he will talk to you more, be interested in you, spend more time to you.." I interrupted her before she could continue.

    "Woah and what exactly makes you think that he will be curious about me and my secret invisible boyfriend?" I asked

    "Oh, I don't know, maybe the fact that you are his friend. Look it doesn't matter how close you are, he will, trust me he will try to find out. Do you trust me or not?" She looked at me to an innocent face.

    "How could I not" I said gently as I smiled at her. 

    After hanging up, I thought about her plan and decided to give it a shot. Besides, what harm could it do? So at night I decided to stalk Rahul on social networks until I found out where he would be at some point, but no result. Rahul was not a big social media fan, and after hours of stalking, I gave up and dozed off to sleep. Suddenly, my phone woke me up due to rough vibrations, it was a notification on facebook. It was from Rahul, it read "fun day at Sizarios tomorrow with the guys" Bingo! He was going to be at the most popular burger place tomorrow afternoon. My plan was set and I was ready to get into action, or atleast I thought so. 

    I reached sezarios a bit early so that I could see him come and get into position. In the blink of an eye I saw him walk up to the door with his friends. My heart started beating faster, but if this really was what could help me get his attention, then I had to do it. So I abruptly picked up my phone, stuck it to my ear and started improvising. I caught him staring at me through the corner of my eye and started speaking louder. After I "hung up" on my "boyfriend" I walked outside slowly waiting for him to come chasing behind me. Voices in my head started praying and just as I thought my plan was failing, I heard his voice.

    "Priya, wait up." he came jogging behind me as I faked a suprised look. 

    "Rahul? What are you doing here?" I said. 

    "Oh uh... nothing just to my mates. What about you? I couldn't help but hear your conversation, what's going on? Who were you fighting to?" It was working. I couldn't believe it. My cousins idea was working. I was so happy, I wanted to laugh but I stuck to my character and played along. 

    "Oh nothing just my boyfriend, he gets me on my nerves sometimes, but I always end up forgiving him for some stupid reason, but nevermind I'm fine. Well I wouldn't like to ruin your time to you friends so go along!"

    "Oh no, they can't wait. So tell me, who is this guy?" he asked with a curious look.

    "Oh nobody don't worry about it, really, I gotta go anyways, but I'll see you around. Oh and I never really asked you how your night to Michaela was, why don't you text me, tel me how it went." I immediatley turned around and started walking. As I got to my car, I started bursting out in laughter. I never believed that such a stupid plan could ever work. Karina was right, she knew the guy theory well. 

    As soon as I got back, I got a text from Rahul asking if I wanted to meet him. But before I answered, it was time to consult to my expertee, Karina. I called her and asked her for advice and I wasn't really suprised when she said

    "Oh, perfect. Now, just make him wait, tell him you have a date that night. And the next time he asks say sure, but for now, delay it!" she ordered me. So I did just that. 

    The next few weeks, I left him hanging, but he never stopped asking. However after a while, I finally decided to agree to his little meet up. Rahul lived in an apartment, much bigger than my dorm, therefore he invited me over to talk and I quote "to chill."  

    As I pulled up, my veins started to pull tight, and my heart started racing. The thought of seeing him always made me nervous, and most of the time, our gatherings didn't end with both people happy. I walked up the stairs nervousley and rang the doorbel.

    Boom! He opened the door to a flash and gasped for breath.

    "Woah, what on earth have you been doing?"

    "Sorry, I've been working out. It's been quite a while since I did  that. Come in." He gave me a kiss on the cheek and greeted me in. My mind started floating and romantic bollywood movie scenes started playing in my head. Sometimes I wondered how my brain worked. It was odd. 

    "Grabbed you some coffee on my way over" I said handing him a hot mug of fresh coffe.

    "Thanks." he said politley. We sat down on the couch and my desperacy blurted out

    "So, that night of the party, what happened, you still didn't tell me." 

    "Oh, yeah right. Well we talked. I mean, mostly she did. But she told me about her break up and all and after that she talked about herself. She opened up to me. Listen, that's actually part of the reason I called you over today" Uh oh. Michaela, he called me over to talk Voldemort business, I didn't like the sound of this but I tolerated it anyways. "I havn't quite convinced her yet so there is a ball the Scott family is throwing in like two weeks and she sort of invited me, and since she still thinks we are dating, I thought you could come to me and maybe at some point I'll, you know, fake break up with you. And then you will be free from my horrible favour, so, what do you say?" I agreed to him, it was a TERRIBLE favour and even though I didn't want it to end, I had no choice so I had to agree. The whole time after that not once did he ask me about my invisible boyfriend. Maybe he forgot. Ok so Karina's plan didn't work on him, but that wasn't the theory's fault. I believed that her theory was right, but only on guys who are not deadlly in love with other villian bitches. Out of the blue, my phone started ringing, it was Sydney. I picked up and instantaneousley a voice blasted in my ear drum.

    "Priya, Oh my god, you are so good to me, you are just perfect hahahahah" She was drunk.

    "Sydney, honey, where are you?" I said trying to calm her down.

    "I'm with Olivia ofcorse, at the pub. Hey did you know that she is also a human being, hahahahahh" Whilst Sydney started screaming in my ears I hugged Rahul goodbye and left to go pick her up. She wasn't in good state. 

    After I brought her back to the dorm, I put her to bed and lay in my own bed thinking of moving  country, thinking what life would have been like without Rahul. And by that time, I decided to move forward, and let fate work it's magic.

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