Chapter Nineteen

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Priya's  POV 

    "Hey babes, long time." That bastard " You know after you left me seven years I always wondered why you broke up with me in the first place. I mean, clearly it wasn't the womanizer thing. I mean everybody knew I was a womanizer, that shouldn't have been a shocker to you. But then a couple days later, I found out. Rahul Bhatia." he said laughing as he walked back and forth stressing his curiousity. "I mean, I heard that you two had a fight so I decided not to beat him up. But recently an old friend of mine payed me a visit, what was her name? Right, Michaela Scott and guess what she told me?" He looked at me and expected me to answer, but my mouth was strapped with sticky duck tape. As hard as I tried to talk, nothiing more than weird noises escaped my mouth reaching only his ears. He was a devil. A bigger one than I thought. He cheated on me. And now he is kidnapping me for breaking up with him. This guy deserved to be in jail, or worse, in hell, with Michaela. What a bitch? Cheating on Rahul and then wanting him back. I thought of Rahul, tried to telecommunicate, but nothing, no sign of him. I begged god, prayed. Prayed as hard as I could. But when I opened my eyes, he was still there, and no one was there to save me. That's it. This was the end. Goodbye life. "She told me that you and Rahul are dating?" he laughed as hard as he could and collapsed to the floor laughing like a psycho. He scared me. A lot more than anything. What was he planning to do to me? What was he planning to do with Rahul? I won't let him touch a hair on my man. "And I said to her, what? No that is impossible." he picked himself up from the floor and rose back up facing me again, walking closer to me. "So tell me Priya, tell me this isn't true. I want to hear it from you, NOW!" he screamed in my ear making me jolt up in pain. Sweat rushed through my hair and heavy tears through my eyes. Fear pounding through my heart and hate running through my spine. Since I couldn't speak, I simply nodded, agreeing to my relationship with Rahul. He could torture me as much as I wanted to, but I wasn't going to lie about it. At this point he banged his fierce arms on the back of my chair, making me bounce again. His face leaned into mine till I could smell the sweat coming from his hair. He was not pleased with my answer, yet he still reached to my face, slowly removing the duck tape till my mouth was free from the stickiness. I immediatley tried screaming, but he cut me off by pressing his lips into mine. I rejected him and moved my face, but he just pulled it back and forced his way inside. More tears escaped as his disgusting taste pentrated my mouth.I struggled trying to escape his mouth, but he wouldn't let go.  I suddenly banged my head against his, pushing him away once again, but soon realised I shouldn't have done that. It was a huge mistake and I was about to pay hard for it. 

Rahul's POV

    "What do you want Hiten? What are you doing here?" My brother normally called if he ever came to visit me, and this was no occasion, so I lurked for an answer and was going to get it. 

    "Alright. Look I was in New York, when I recieved this message. I just got worried about you and ran over here as fast as I could" He held up his phone displaying a text message from... what? From Michaela! The message said 'Priya Gupta or Rahul Bhatia, who should be the one to die? Wanna find out? Join the wedding of the year, Karina Bhatt and Martin Jackson.´  What the hell? Die? This has to be some sick joke. How did she even know? 

    "When did you recieve this message Hiten?" I asked in a demanding voice. Clearyly worried.

    "Two days ago, that's why I was on a flight immediatley. But maybe this is just a joke, I mean you seem to be fine. I'm sorry to just show up unanounced." He said with an apologetic look. Normally I didn't believe my brother so easily, but this time I did. But I had to go tell Priya, she had to know. I had to warn her about our enemy. 

    "Look it's fine. Just forget you ever recieved this message. I gotta go find Priya. I'll talk to you later and explain." I said instantly walking back into the church. When I got inside, the church was empty. No sign of Priya, or her brother. I didn't remember seeing the church door open, which meant she still had to be inside. I looked for her in the various rooms inside until a came across a black door at the corner in the room at the back. Thats when I suddenly started hearing noises. Weird noises. At first I just thought it was probably an old man talking to himself, but then I heard a scream. A familiar scream. PRIYA! ´Priya Gupta or Raul Bhatia, who should be the one to die?´ I suddenly remembered the iritating message in my voice.Michaela was planning to kill Priya! I tried opening the door, but it was locked. Who dared to kidnap the love of my life? I kicked the door open and ran downstairs only to find a man hovered over a chair trying to kiss Priya, who was tied up to her chair completley. 

    "Hey, get away from her!" I yelled at the man giving me his back. He immediatley stopped at slowly turned around. The shock that I felt after I saw his face. David Denise. My girlfriends ex boyfriend, who cheated on her, broke her heart. He was going to pay for that, and pay much more for this, how dare he? How fucking dare he do this to Priya? I walked towards him angrily and instantaneousley my fist hit his jaw, dropping him to the floor. Leaving a little spot of blood under his jawline. 

    "So the rumors are true. The great Rahul Bhatia is dating Priya Gupta. Well guess what loverboy, she's mine. All mine." He said smirking as he picked himself up off the floor. But before he could I landed a huge kick on his stomach, making him collapse to the floor again.

    "If you so much as lay a finger on her, I will end you Denise." I threatened and walked towards my girlfriend, untiying the straps on her hand. He picked himself up and was about to hit me, but I was a black belt back in college, I ducked until he punched the air, and layed my head on his stomach, pushing him back onto the floor. I managed to losen Priya and when she was free, she immediatley kicked the jerks face drawing more blood around his lips and teeth. 

    "You are a fucking moron, David Denise. Go fuck yourself" she said before kicking him once again. I walked to her, grabbed her hand and immediatley pulled her out of the basement, locking the door behind me. As soon as I did, I hugged her tightly, close to me.

    "I'm so sorry babe, are you ok? Did he do anything to you?"My concerns blurted out immediatley. She simply smiled before answering.

    "I'm fine, don't worry. You got there just in time. God for a minute I thought I was going to die in there." my veins immediatley tensed up sending shivers through my spine. The thought of life without Priya was unimaginable. I would never let anything like that happen to her ever again. Ever.

    "No. Don't you ever think that ok? I will never let anybody hurt you again. I love you and I'm not letting you go anywhere do you understand me?" She smiled once again, this time her smile was bigger as she leaned in and placed a soft kiss on my lips. I kissed her back immediatley, wanting her more than ever. But we were interrupted with a cough in the backround. 

    "Would you mind not eat my sister's face right in front of me?" he said in the distance. 

    "Varun, oh my god. You were not supposed to see that-" before she could continue, Varun cut her off 

    "Priya I knew for a while now. Don't worry. It's ok with me, and no I am not going to tell mom and dad. Chill."

    "Wait, how long have you known? And how?" she asked confused. 

    "Well next time you want to stay at a hotel for your cousin's secret wedding, I suggest you don't stay in the room beside me where I can see you through the window." she immediatley fell silent and her gaze was not at me. She was a bit red, of embarrassment, but instead of making a big deal, we all just laughed. "Oh and by the way, your brother knows too" Varun said before making an exit. I wanted to ask her why she didn't tell her brother about the kidnapping, but she read my mind and shook her head before i could ask. I understood her immediatley, it would just worry him more.  I had figured my brother would have found out after Michaela's text. That stupid bitch. I was going to take my revenge on her, but not tonight. We went back into the hotel and I made love to her all night. Not wanting to let her go ever again. I couldn't resist not being with her. She was mine now, and forever. 

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