Chapter Three

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    My current life was absolutely fantastic. First of all, Sydney wasn't talking to me. Every time I tried to converse with her, she would make an excuse and run off somewhere. I even tried telling her that I supposedly broke up with my fake boyfriend Ryan, but she didn't care. Second of all, Rahul hadn't contacted me since we last met. I know that was kind of supposed to be the plan, but this was what I was exactly afraid of. Falling for him. Again. After that day, I just couldn't stop thinking about him. I would replay our whole conversation again and again through my mind. I mean i did try not to, but who can avoid it? So now i wanted to see him again. I went to the diner often too, but he didn't come by. And there it was, the feeling of pain rushing back to me reminding me of how it always failed, every time I tried,  and advised myself to forget him. Again. History was repeating itself.

    So for the time being, I decided to focus on how to get Sydney back, I thought of a million different ways, but could only agree with one. Telling her the truth. I know it was going to be hard, but if i didn't do it, then I could lose her forever, and I simply can't. She is my best friend, and I need her. So one day when she came back from lectures, I prepared my script and decided to have a serious conversation with her. She pushed through the door, looked at me, smiled briefly and walked up to her bed, without uttering a word. Something she had been doing a lot lately. She was currently reminding me of Sabrina, except she wasn't smoking, but it didn't feel good, so I did what I had to do.

    "Okay seriously, just stop. "

    "Stop what?"

    "Stop pretending like everything is okay. Look i have to confess something, but after I do, I want the truth from you, agree?"

    "um...okay then"

    "So, after you told me that you were a lesbian I was okay with it but the few weeks after that you started acting weirdly around me. I mean, flirting with me sort of." I started panicking, hands were humid but I had to tell her, I need my friend back, so I continued. "So after that, I decided to test you so I told you that I had a date with a Ryan Marshall which I did, but he was never my boyfriend, it was just one date. Anyways, after I told you, you just stopped talking to me. So now tell me, why Sydney? Why? Do you... have feelings for me or something? What is it?" She stared at me, looking cold and pale. I thought she was about to faint. The expression on her face was blank. I looked at her with a confused face and woke her up a little. "Sydney? What is it?" when she finally looked down at the ground, she answered.

    "Look, yes it is true, that i sort of liked you, and yes I was sort of jealous of you and that Ryan guy. But i promise you, I'm done now, and I had no intention of ever  getting you into this lesbian drama of mine. I mean I am so sorry and I totally get it, you are NOT. I just guess I was avoiding you because well being a lesbian isn't exactly easy and I got carried away.  But don't worry I have got myself under control. And if you by any chance decide to change dorms, I completely understand. But just know that I really need you as a friend, only friend here right now. There are things I have been dying to tell you but i was just afraid that after the way I behaved with you, you wouldn't forgive me." I couldn't believe it. It worked, all I had to do is tell the truth.  I ran and threw myself onto Sydney.

    "Oh my, thank god we can be friends again. And of corse i will forgive  you silly, you are my best friend, and you will not believe how many things I have to tell you. I mean it does include a guy, I hope you don't mind." I asked her with a confusing face. But she just laughed.

    " Well what you waiting for, go on start, i want to hear all the details. "

    We spent talking the whole night. I told her about my situation with Rahul and she told me her situation with Olivia Green. She was the new entry to the dorms, apparently, Sydney heard that just like herself, Olivia was a lesbian. And according to Sydney, hot. I'm guessing I won't have to worry about her feelings for me anymore. It was amazing to have her back. It just made my day, and I got some relief telling somebody about Rahul. I really needed to get him out of my chest. And head.

    Later on that day, me and Sydney headed towards the diner to get some food.

    Suddenly, I saw him again. Rahul was entering through the door with his dashing looks and amazing smile. He immediately caught my eye and walked towards me. My hand started trembling and Sydney whistled. 

    "Well I just can't stop running into you can I? " He asked. I faked a laugh and said

    "I guess so, fate." I can't  believe I just used those words. I just told him it was fate. What was wrong with me? Why was I acting so weird around him. I even gave myself an anti-Rahul pep talk for the next time I saw him; clearly it wasn't working. 

    "Yeah... listen I never actually manages to called you but I would love to hang out with you. Are you free tomorrow for lunch? My treat." No. No. No. Why? No. I was so desperate to say no but my emotions just couldn't shut themselves inside.

    " Yes, of course" I blurted out. I probably sounded to desperate now. I probably screwed it all up. 

    " Great I'll pick you from your dorm at two then." 

    " Perfect." Pick me up from my dorm? He was being a complete gentleman.  He walked away and Sydney started laughing at my face. I ignored her and left the diner. I couldn't stand one more minute near him. I had to keep my distance. And now that I was going to see him tomorrow, I thought it was best to leave. I had to get some fresh air. I needed to think things over...


Picture of Sydney to the side--->





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