Part One: Chapter One

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It all seemed so different, students running around the campus with a handful of books just waiting to get into the library, people pushing through the coffee shop desperate to get their latte's, and teachers hurrying down the hall with sorrowful faces and a load full of books. I always thought that University would be better than this.

I entered my dorm and unloaded a handful of boxes. My roommate, Sabrina Abbing, surprisingly turned out to be the German governor's daughter. Sad, just sad. She stood there smoking packs of cigarettes not even bothering to acknowledge me. However I considered myself a person of higher standards and my parents certainly taught me better than that. So I decided to start a conversation.

"Hi, my name is Priya Gupta, you must be my roommate Sabrina Abbing" I raised my hand in the hopes that she would shake it, but nothing. No movement at all. Nor did she look at me, nor did she bother answering. Could she seriously be the governor's daughter? I mean she had no manners and no respect at all. She stood behind a cloud of smoke, as if to look cool and completely stationary.

"Okay then, i guess I'll unpack. Oh and if you have a problem with anything do tell me pl-"

"Shut up" Astonished, just startled. The first words that came out of her mouth was shut up? She didn't even move, her back was still facing me and she continued smoking, not giving a crap. Who does this girl think she is being so rude to someone who is being nothing but nice to her?

"Excuse me?" I asked her; in the nicest way possible.

"I said shut up, I don't care who you are" She answered. At that moment I wanted nothing more than to slap her, but I reminded myself that I was not raised like her, so instead I just replied

"Alright then, I'm sorry" I faced back and continued with my work, thinking about how much fun i was going to have with my new life at the University of British Columbia, hopefully.

I figured since i had spent exactly three hours inside the dorm and made absolutely no friends thanks to my good for nothing roommate, it was time to explore the outside world and go make some real friends who at least had some decent manners.

I walked out my dorm only to find girls throwing things and screaming across the hallway, like three year olds. I tried to cover my ears but the noise was still loud. Suddenly I heard a voice behind me saying

"Don't worry you'll get used to it. This happens almost everyday." I looked behind to see the figure of a short blonde girl with brown eyes and a British accent. She was wearing what looked like a tutu with stockings, a crop top and a leather jacket with converse on her legs. She walked towards me and introduced herself.

"Hiya there, my name's Sydney Hill, what about yours?"

"Hi, I'm Priya, Priya Gupta" We shook hands as she stared into my eyes

" Indian I'm guessing?"

" Yeah, where are you from?"

" Oooo, i love Indian food, you must cook me something some day. Oh and I'm from England. Bet you could notice that with my accent though." We both laughed and continued walking. And there it was, the moment I made my first friend at University, I had a good feeling about this year, and i was looking forward to it.

A couple of hours later, I found myself having a blast Sydney. She made me feel so comfortable, and i could be totally honest with her. It's strange since i just met her, but I'm so thankful i could meet such a great friend like her. So we hanged out till night and headed back towards our dorms.

I entered my room thinking about how amazing my first day was but before i knew it, i was covered in a cloud of smoke. I coughed and wafted my arms through the air only to find a bunch of people in my dorm. They all looked goth, like my roommate. Who were theses people?

"Um... Sabrina?" Everybody stopped and all the eyes were focused on me. Suddenly, Sabrina emerged out of the crowd.

"What? What do you want now?"

"Could i have a word with you please?" She rolled her eyes and walked twistedly towards me. Her high heels making tremendous noises, her leather jacket swinging from side to side, and all her eye make up smudged off. Nobody moved an inch, everybody kept staring at me as if I were a meal. Creepy, really creepy.

"What? What is it?"

"Um... Who are all theses people?" I asked politely.

"My friends okay? Just because you are lonely doesn't mean i have to be. Now can you just leave me alone?" She turned her back towards me only to make me feel angrier. I came here to have fun and enjoy a good college life, not to be bossed around by some ignorant and irritating girl, who clearly had no manners of her own. I had it, and i didn't want to spend one more minute of my life bossed around by this girl, so i decided to take matters into my own hands.

"Um excuse me? Now i might have less friends than you but i assure you that they are much better than these goth people who can't see more than death in their future. And who do you think you are talking to? Your maid? I am your roommate and i deserve at least a little more respect than that! I don't care if your the governor's daughter. Hell i wouldn't care if you were the king's daughter, I'm not taking any orders from you, so don't you dare boss me around like this again. And since this is also my dorm, i want all of you... grotesque people out of here and cigarettes are NOT allowed in the dorms." Boom. One by one, people started running out of the room with fear. The smoke started disappearing and the tension of people staring vanished too. Once the room was empty Sabrina headed towards me with a furious face, as if she was going to hit me or something. Luckily she just went past me through the door outside.

Wow, now that was a hell of a day. Later at night, I texted Sydney to see if she had anyone else in her dorm, since i clearly was not welcomed in my own dorm. I waited for hours when i finally received an answer. The text said ' No, i ain't got anyone with me. Oh I'd love to have you shift here' and there it was, the solution to my next problem. I had a feeling i was really going to need Sydney to get through the next few years.


Picture of Priya to the side--->





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