Chapter Twenty

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Priya's  POV 

    "Varun, what's going on?" he stood in my living room for about five minutes now, he said they wanted to tell us something, he was holding his wife close to by the waist, both of them smiling widley.  Suddenly, my sister-in-law blurted out

    "I'm pregnant!" Wow. What? They have only been married for a year and already they are reproducing. Damn they were fast. I stood there, startled absolutley blank with my mouth open for a minute. Sure I was happy for them, I mean I was going to be an aunt afterall, but it was too early. 

    "Oh my god, I am going to be an aunt. Oh my god. Congratulations!" I said hugging them with a wide smile drawn across my face. Rahul stood next to me, as suprised as I was and congratulated them too. They hadn't told our parents yet, they decided to wait for the right moment. Apparently mum and dad had some sort of plan going on. I knew something was up with them, but Varun refused to tell me. However I would find out. I would find out for sure. My brother stayed over for lunch where they wouldn't stop talking about how they were going to decorate  "Prerna's" (if it's a girl) or "Rohit's" (if it's a boy) nursery. They were going to find out the gender in a week and kept having fights about what they thought it would be "It's going to a girl Varun... No it's not Tanya.... blah blah blah blah" I had not seen them this happy before. All me and Rahul could do was smile and giggle along. We didn't want to interrupt their bubble of happiness so me and Rahul decided to pick up and do the dishes silently as they continued blabbing. I was very happy for them, but it's all they could talk about. I wanted to tell my brother, everything that happened to me, the kidnapping, everything. But I didn't even get a chance. I walked to the kitchen with a pile of dishes, placing them slowly on the counter. Rahul followed me. I was about to walk out again when Varun and Tanya were suddenly whispering. I stopped at the door and peeked my ear to listen. 

    "They are not going to buy it Varun. Look your parents and the Bhatia's asked us on this responsibility." She stopped as I pulled Rahul close to me to listen. I mean afterall, his parents were involved too. I signalled him to listen, and he did. "Look they are already dating, and talking about our pregnancy is not convincing Rahul to propose to Priya. Come on they have tried for weeks, taunting him about why he isn't married yet, comparing him to other kids. Hell they even made it clear to him that they want Priya by telling him that they wanted him to have a wife like Priya. It's clearly not working. So it's about time we just cut the crap and go talk to him in private. Convince him somehow that Priya is the one he should marry. You saw their faces when they found out that they were already dating. Imagine their face if they found out they were finally going to get married. Oh please Varun, please. We must talk to him." We both stood in shock as my brother mumbled an ´okay´. We stared at eachother but I couldn't believe they were keeping this from us. I was amazed at the fact that our parents were trying to set us up. Why? Why would they do that? I wanted to know. So I wasn't just going to stand in my kitched and pretend like I never heard them. I know the next step was stupid, but I took it anyways. I barged into the room with my hands flying around the air.

    "And you didn't think to tell us because?" They both froze. Even Rhaul. That move was unexpected for everybody. However now that we were dating, why not put it all out in the open? For a moment there was nothing but silence. The tension growing with the stares going back and forth between my brother and sister-in-law. "Well, start explaining" I said, still furious crossing my arms, tapping the floor with my shoe. 

    "Look Priya, you have to understand that I wanted to tell you. But that wouldn't have been fun. I mean all we were trying to do is-"

    "What force my boyfriend into marrying me because mum and dad planned it. Look I get that they have good intentions, and so do you. But rushing me and Rahul through this relationship to get married, only to satisfy mum and dad is just going to break us apart. So next time you want to do something stupid, I suggest you inform me about it." Their cold stares were now facing me. They looked at me as if they were going to eat me like a zombie. I had to say, it was creepy. "Anyways, I'm calling mum and dad. Tell them to stop everything." At this point I thought they would obbject. To my surprise they both nodded silently and walked back into the living room. I looked  back at Rahul before pulling out my phone. I wasn't quite sure why, but he was laughing his ass off. "Mind explaining to me why the hell you're laughing?" He walked towards me, laughing slowly this time and pulled me into his arms. 

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