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"name!" Armin called

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"name!" Armin called. I look over at him. He points to a titan's hand that was rapidly coming down at me. Luckily, I had gotten away in time. It smashed a building beside me and I landed on a nearby roof.

"(name), I will go to Eren quickly. He looks like he's in trouble."

"Okay, be safe, Armin." He nods and uses his gear to get away from me. With the titan's hand in a house, it couldn't move easily.

I took this opportunity to kill it. I used my gear to launch me over to its arms. I slice through the muscle and then slice its nape. The titan falls to the ground, causing the earth beneath me to shake.

I look around for someone to regroup with. I fly over the city, and then find a blond sitting down on a roof. "Armin?" I ask looking down at him. He doesn't bother looking up.

"Armin!" I repeat, shaking his shoulders. "What's wrong, where's Eren?" I ask, looking all around. "Wait... don't.. don't tell me."

He doesn't took up. He keeps his head down in his lap. "Armin!" I yell, slapping him across the face. He looks up at me with tears traveling down his cheeks. "Speak to me." I plead.

"Eren..." he whispers, "He's dead."

"No..." I say, stepping back. "Stop joking, Armin. It's not funny." Armin looks back down in his lap. A titan walk up behind him and tried to grab him around his waist. "No." I screech. I jump on its arm and cut the muscle all the way to its shoulder.

I place my swords in its eyes and then circle around to the nape, killing it. The titan falls and Armin looks back at me with wide eyes.

"Come on." I say, extending my arm out for him to take my hand. He grabs my hand and uses me to regain balance. We go to a building near the walls, standing on the roof. Mikasa comes up to us and Armin looks down at his feet.

"Hey, (name), Armin." She says, walking up to the two of us. She notices that we won't make eye contact with her. "What's wrong? Where's Eren?" She asks, looking around.

"I'm sorry, Mikasa." Armin cries. She stares at Armin.

"Stop crying." She whispers. Armin wipes the tears off of his cheeks. "We can cry about him later. Right now, we've got these creatures to take care of." She said, turning away from us. Other soldier start to regroup where we were.

"I don't know if I can do this." A soldier wines.

"Everyone, we need to refill on our gas." Mikasa announces.

"But theres too many titans, we won't be able to make it." Marco says.

"We will do this!" She yells, "I am stronger than all of you! I killed titans back there and I can continue to, even on my own. You are all so pathetic. You are all cowards. If you really want, then sit here and die."

"You seriously want to fight the titans alone?" Someone asked. I didn't bother to look and see who it was. My eyes were on Mikasa. The group around me continues to panic.

"We have to fight or else we will not win." She says, grabbing everyone's attention. She launches herself back into the air and kills a couple titans that she runs into. Everyone else on her roof decided to follow after her.

"We should go, Armin." I said, tugging on his sleeve. "Yeah." We both follow after the group, slicing down titans that came in our way. There were still titan's grabbing and taking away our soldiers. I tried to keep my gaze forward to not see what was happening around me.

I noticed that Mikasa was using more gas than what was necessary. I started to worry, hoping that she would be alright with the amount of gas she was using. Her gas eventually gave out and she went tumbling down on a roof and then the ground.

"Mikasa!" Armin gasps. My eyes are still kept forward.

"We have to keep going, Armin." He doesn't say anything. He keeps following me, fearing for the life of his friend. "She's going to be okay, Armin. She's Mikasa." I say, trying to calm him down. We al stop on a roof and look at the titans around us.

We were getting pretty close to filling up our gas, but titans swarmed the building we were supposed to go in. "(name), I don't know if we can do this!" Armin whispers.

"Don't say that, Armin. We will do this." I say, stepping forward. "Let's go." I said, hooking my gear onto the building. I smash into the window, looking at Jean's team hiding under tables.

"What's going on in here?" I ask. Suddenly, the ground shakes. A titan pokes his head in the wall. We all love over and a fist connects with its face. Another titan with long dark hair stand in its place.

The titan had no interest in us. Instead, it beat up att the other titans around it. "It's fighting its own kind." Jean gasped.

"Come on, guys," I yell, "Let's fill our gas quickly." Everyone around me does as I say. We quickly fill our tanks and then hop back outside. The dark haired titan was still fighting the others.

"Mikasa!" I exclaim, running towards her. "You're alright."

"Yeah." She smiles. We all watch as the titan starts becoming overwhelmed. It's pushed down to the ground and the titans around it start to devour it.

"Stop them!" A soldier yells. A couple people decide to go around and cut the napes of the titans. I didn't know if I should be helping a titan, so I stayed standing where I was.

Another person slopes the nape of the long haired titan and pulls a boy out of it.


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