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A loud bang on my door causes me to jump awake. "(name), you have to get up! Levi is going to kill you!"

"Shut up, Eren. Now he'll know that I'm in here!" I yell. I quickly roll out of bed and pull my clothes on my body. I run out of the room and quickly grab a piece of bread.

I quickly run outside and notice that everyone was already standing around the captain's and the commander. "Brat, your late!" Levi yells. I walk into the crowd. A hand pull me back by my shoulder.


"Hey, Armin." I smile. After I told Armin how I felt, we decided that we would have a private relationship. When we feel comfortable, we will let others know about it.

I stand beside him and finish my bread. "What did I miss?" I whisper.

"We're going on a mission today." He whisper back.

"Everyone, mount your horse. We leave now!" Erwin announces. I run over to my horse.

"Please stay near me." Armin says.

"I plan to." I smile. The whole Corps rides their horses into the city. People around us complain about the money their wasting on us while some people wish us luck.

"Good luck, (name)."

"Good luck, Armin." The gate is lifted and we ride out of the city. We're split into two groups. The first groups is Hanji's team and the second is Levi's team. (sorry i didn't mention it but ur in team levi.)

After splitting us into two groups, we're then split in two once again. In my group was Armin, Mikasa, Jean, and Sasha. We ride down to the ruined Wall Maria. We stop by a small city and decide to take a quick break.

"We won't get in trouble for this, right?" Sasha asks us.

"Not sure, we should get back as soon as possible before we find out." Mikasa said, getting back on her horse. Behind me, I hear a loud thud.

"What.." I turn around, but before I could do anything, a large hand wraps around my waist and I'm lifted into the air.

I look around at the people just watching as I was lifted into the air. I couldn't grab my sword or use my gear, so I started silently freaking out. My eyes roll to the back of my head and I pass out.

Armin's Pov

"What.." (name) mumbled to herself. I turn back, and I find her in a titan's hand. She's lifted up towards its mouth and she goes limp. She must have passed out. I have to get her! Move! My body wouldn't respond to me and I stayed still where I was standing. I froze.

Mikasa launches herself in the air with her gear and cuts the titan down. She grabs (name) before she hits the floor and then she walks back to her horse. She lays (name) on the ground and then stands i front of all of us. She slaps Sasha, then Jean, and then me.

"What is wrong with you guys! Did you not see (name) was in danger? She couldn't use her gear or pull out her swords because the titan restricted her movements. How could you let your own teammate get in such danger."

Mikasa turns to face me. "You!" She says, putting her finger in my face. "I thought you liked (name). Why did you do nothing? Have you not known her for years? Why would you let such a thing happen? What is wrong with you?" She spits.

I feel tears well in my eyes and I look down at (name) who was unconscious on the ground. "Mikasa, I couldn't move. I don't know what's wrong with me. I froze up." Mikasa steps closer to me and pats my shoulder.

"Come on, Armin. Pull it together. She could have died just now." I nod and she picks (name) up. She gets up on her horse and hold (name) in between her arms. (name), I won't let this happen again.

Normal POV

I wake up with arms latched around my waist. "(name)?" The person who was holding me gasps. I look up and notice I was in Mikasa's arms.

"Mikasa.. What happened?"

"A titan got a hold of you. I sliced it down."

"Oh, thank you. I'll pay more attention next time." She points to a horse that was following us.

"There's your horse." She came to a stop, as did everyone else around us. I jumped off of Mikasa's horse and mounted my own.

I felt a pair of eyes attached to me. I looked up and found Armin staring at me. I smile at him, but he looks down at the ground. My smile fades and I follow Mikasa.

We came closer and closer to the walls. I look over and find the other half of our team. Eren waves at us and me and Mikasa wave back. Armin keeps his gaze low. What happened now? I think to myself.

We regroup and Levi starts shouting orders. "I want you all the be careful in here! We're expecting this place to be crawling with titans."

"Yes sir!" a majority or the soldiers say back.

"(name)!" Jean calls. "If I die, just know that I love you." He said, making a kissy face.

"Noted." I giggle. Armin looks at the two of us, and decides to ride next to me. "Hey, Armin." I smile.

He looks up at me, but his expression is dull and sad. "Armin, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, (name). I think I might just want t talk to you after this mission."

"Alright." I said, as we rode into the city.

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