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I walk back to hq

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I walk back to hq. My stomach still hurt a bit, but i could bare it. I walk into the cafeteria and grab some food.

"(name)!" Mikasa calls. Armin turn around and faces me. He smiles and waves and I do the same.

"Hey guys," I say, sitting down. I take the spoon on my plate and stir the soup.

"Is everything alright? Are you in pain? Does your head hurt?" Mikasa asks.

"My stomach hurts a bit. it I'll be alright." I said, blowing on the spoon.

"Should we tell her?" Armin asks.

"Tell me what?" Mikasa and Armin share a look and they both look over to me.

"Eren went to court." Mikasa speaks up.

"Why?" I ask.

"The public thinks he's dangerous because he's a titan shifter."

"Did they not see him patch the hole or fight off the titans?" I ask.

"They did, their just a bunch of wimps." Armin pouts.

"Well is he okay? Will he go to jail?"

"No, he's in the Survey Corps. He's under Captain Levi's supervision." Mikasa says.

"Captain Levi?"

"The guy who pointed out that you were bleeding."

"Oh... oh wait! Humanities Strongest?" I ask, holding my head. "I didn't do anything embarrassing, did I?"

"Don't worry, (name), you're okay!" Armin giggles. "He's probably seen people bleed before. You've got nothing to worry about." Mikasa smiles at the two of us and continues to eat her food.

Two men walk into the cafeteria and inform us that Erwin's speech will begin shortly. "This is it." Armin whispers.

"I'm really nervous." I mumble.

"You'll be alright, (name). We will do this together!" Armin grabbed my hand and walked with me out to the stage. I felt my face heat up to Armin's touch. I looked up and noticed a pink color across his cheeks.



"You okay?"

"Yeah... why?"

"You look kind of sick."

"I'm okay, I think I'm just nervous." I squeeze his hand to try and calm him down. Erwin steps onto the stage and begins his speech. He tells us how we will be encountering very dangerous situations.

"My name is Erwin Smith. Today, all of you will chose between joining the Survey Corps, Garrison, or Military Police. I am here to try and convince you to join the Survey Corps." I stood with Armin as he talked about their future plans.

"We hope to make our way to Eren's father's basement and figure out the mystery behind the titans. Before we are able to do that, we must retake wall Maria." A small, strawberry-blonde woman makes her way onto the stage and shows us a map.

"We believe thirty percent of you will not make it back in the walls." Erwin said, pointing at the crowd. Armin squeezed my hand and shifted his weight under his feet.

"That is all I have to say to you all. If you wish to join the Survey Corps, remain standing. Those of you who don't may leave." The people around us swarm out of the field.

Armin starts sawing, almost turn around. I squeeze his hand. "Armin, don't you dare walk away." I whisper. "We agreed we would do this."

He stands closer to me. "I'm sorry. I will not leave, I promise." Everyone else who wanted to leave left.

"Okay, then," Erwin said, "Welcome to the Survey Corps."


Me, Armin and Mikasa walk on the side of the castle. "So when do you think we'll see Eren again?" I ask.

"Probably soon. He's a part of the Survey Corps. We'll probably see him when we meet the other members." Armin said.

I jumped on some stones that were a couple feet apart. "You should be careful, (name), you just joined the Survey Corps. Would want this to be your last day." Armin said, trying to get me off the rocks.

"I'll be alright Arm-" I trip over my foot and prepare to hit the ground. Arms wraps around my waist and stop me from falling. "Oh, thank you, Armin. I'll stop now, I promise." I said, using his shoulder to stand back up.

"Stop messing around!" He said, messing up my hair. My cheeks heated up and I stepped away from him.

"Mikasa?" Mikasa turns around. "Armin? (name)?" We all tune and face a boy with brown hair and green eyes.

"Eren!" We all gasp on synch. The boys runs toward us and pulls us all in a hug.

"Are you okay? Are they feeding you? Their not hurting you right?" Mikasa asks.

"Mikasa, I'm fine." Eren laughs.

"Good to see you, Eren." I smile. Eren pulls me into a hug.

"What happened to you, (name)? Armin had to carry you to the infirmary." Eren said in my shoulder.

"Wait, you did?" I ask, looking back.

"Yeah," Armin said, running the back of his neck.

"Thanks, Armin." I smile. Eren starts giggling. "What's funny?"

"I don't know.... just thinking."

"Soldiers," A man calls behind us, "Line up to receive your uniform." We walk together and each receive our own green cape. On the back, it had the wings of freedom.

"Guys, I have to go," Eren said, "Hanji needs me for some experiment. I wanna be with you guys at dinner."

"Okay, I'll see you at dinner." I said. Eren walked away from us and into the hq.

"These the new soldier?" A bored voice asks behind us.

"That's correct."

"Okay, brats!" I turn around. The man in front of me was the same who had pointed out I was bleeding. "My name is Levi. I'm a captain here so you call me Captain Levi. Got it?"

The people around us nod and a few actually say 'yes' or 'got it'. "I have chores for all of you! This castle hasn't been cleaned in a while."

I look around at the soldiers behind me. I furrowed my brows. "Something bothering you?" He asks.

"Yeah... why cleaning? I mean, we're in the Survey Corps."

"Because the castle is disgusting. Do you want to sleep with rats?" I shake my head 'no'. "Then I suggest you do as I say."

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