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"We did not think this through."

"How the hell am I supposed to get back up into the window."

"Get on my shoulders."

"You must be on drugs."

"It won't be that bad."

"I don't trust you, I'm going through the front."

"She'll wake up."

"It's either that or I let you drop me and I die."

"Your being dramatic."

"Am not."

"Just get on my shoulders."


He hoisted you up on his shoulders he walked forward towards the house. 

"God, I'm doing all the work. You're heavy."

"This was your idea. Now push."

"What your ass? Say less."

"I'll kill you."


"Connie do not-"

He dropped you. But managed to catch you bridal style just in time.

"See I got you."

"Connie you dumb-"

And he dropped you again only for you to fall on top of him your faces inches apart, your legs straddled him, your chests pressed into each other. And well...something else  was also pressed into you.

"Damn y/n, if you wanted to hook up all you had to do was ask."

"Your disgusting."

"So are you gonna get off of me?"

You got up with an annoyed look on your face while crossing your arms and looking away from him. 

"I'm just teasing."

"I'm going in through the front."

"Hey wait!"

"Your so annoying."

"It was a joke. Come on babe."

"Don't call me that."

"Then what do you want me to call you? Sexy?"



"You're so uptight."

"Shh, i'm going inside."

"I'm coming in."

"Shh. Whisper."


"Why are you following me all the way inside."

"I wanna make sure you get to bed ok."

"Thanks I guess."

"Your welcome."

"Oh, and uh...thanks for tonight. I had fun."

"Of course you did, you were with me."

"I'm back to hating you."


"But seriously thank you."

"It's all good, I'll see you tomorrow I'll be here to do some house work and uh... I'll be shirtless."

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