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"Connie, I know this looks bad. But it's really not what you think."

"The fuck are you doing?"

"Connie, listen-"

"Not you, this dick head. How dare you put your hands on her."

"You trying to fight?"

"If I have to. You don't just grab random people and kiss them. You're disgusting."

"Is that all you have to say?"

"Stay away from her. You clearly make her uncomfortable and she hates your ass, so I don't know why you keep trying."

"You just think your cool because your her 'boyfriend' or fuck toy or whatever she wants to use you as."

"It doesn't matter whether I'm in the picture or not. She doesn't like you, and you make her uncomfortable, so stay away."

"This conversation isn't over."

"Yeah it is."

Once Colt walked away Connie put his arm around your shoulder and pulled you in.

"You alright?"

"I'm fine. I just thought you got mad at me."

"Even if I was mad I wouldn't talk to you like that."

"Sorry, that kinda ruined the mood."

"It's alright. You're fine though right?"

"I'm fine. What time is it?"

"Around three."

"You still wanna get that ramen?"



"Connie, you've got food all over your shirt."


"You're so silly."



"I was thinking about going back tomorrow."

"Tomorrow? Why?"

"I've just got a lot to do. I've gotta get ready for school, mow your lawn, make sure Sasha didn't kill Jean-"

"None of that's important besides the first one."

"I know, but I really didn't plan on being this far from home for a few days."

"Braden will get upset."

"Using him isn't going to make me stay longer."

"But what about me? How are we supposed to do a long distance relationship."

"We'll l make it work. I'll call you. Every day. I promise."

"That's not the same thing as having you here."

"I know. I'm sorry."

"Connie I can get my dad to get you into my school we can-"

"I don't really wanna go there. I don't think I'd fit in. It's too busy and everybody is somebody and-"

"It's not like that I promise."

"It doesn't matter. School starts in a few weeks. It's way too late for me to transfer now."


"Y/n, you know how I feel about you. I know how you feel about me, we can make this work. I promise."

"Ok...you're right, I'm sorry, I just...don't want you to go."

"I don't want to go either, especially not back to school."

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