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You walked into the living room and passed by Connie, sitting down on a chair across from him awkwardly pondering on the conversation you and Sasha had.

"You alright y/n?"

"Huh? Oh um yea, fine."

"You know the surprises aren't over right?"

"Of course they're not."

"We've gotta eat breakfast."

"Did you make breakfast?"

"No, well yes...but no."


"Hold up, let me put a shirt on."

"You don't have to."


"I said hurry up."

"Ok ok. Rushing me, damn."

After Connie sadly put on a shirt and his shoes, he took your hand and guided you back outside. Yes, you and Connie were holding hands. Your brain stopped working for a moment and you blanked out as he took you outside to an open field with a few trees scattered around. You didn't really pay attention to the scenery, you just stared at his hand wrapped around yours so gently but also with meaning, as if he never wanted to let go. When you snapped out of your trance and Connie had stopped pulling you, you noticed a picnic blanket spread out across the grass under a tree.

"Connie...you did this for me?"

"I mean it's nothing much, I just remembered you liked picnics and stuff like that so-"

"This feels like a date."

"What! No! It's not. That would be gross."


"Yea like me date you? What? That's crazy!"

"Why would it be crazy?"

"Huh...I didn't mean it like that! Any guy would be lucky to date you-"

"Just not you."

"No! I would love to date you- wait... I meant to say-"

"Connie...let's just eat."

"Yea, good idea."

The two you sat down and ate, laughing and joking, allowing the tension and awkwardness to disperse between the two of you.

"So you've never had a girlfriend before?"



"I dunno...I'm just waiting for a certain someone."

"Like your soulmate or something?"

"Yea, my soulmate."

"Its hard to find a person like that."

"Who knows...maybe I've found them."


"What about you? How many boyfriends have you had?"

"You say that like I've been with a bunch of guys."

"Maybe you have? I wouldn't know."

"Well I have not. Just the one."

"Why'd you break up?"

"It's complicated...and a long story that I don't wanna ruin the mood with."

"Alright, that's cool. Wanna walk?"

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