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~Smut Chapter~

You spent most of the next day showing Connie around and taking him shopping. He felt bad that you were buying him stuff but you didn't mind.Besides, you got to spend alone time together. But there was that strong suexal tension in the air. Connie hadn't forgotten everything. He remembered what you said last night and the way he acted. To be honest, he was a bit embarrassed. Yeah he had been aroused before, but not quite like last night. He loved you. Probably more than you could comprehend. So he felt embarrassed when he remembered what he instituted at . But you didn't mind. You wanted the same thing.

"I had fun today."

"I'm glad Connie. I had fun too."

"Sooo, about last night uh-"

"What about it?"

"Do you still wanna or..."

"Why wouldn't I wanna?"

"I dunno. You could've changed your mind or something."

"No I want to."

"Oh, alright."

"What's wrong?"


"You sound like you don't want to now."

"No it's not that I swear. It's just...I don't really know what I'm doing...and now I'm embarrassed."

"You're embarrassed for no reason, I don't care."

"I mean...don't girls like it when the guy is in charge or whatever."

"Mmm sometimes yeah. But sometimes we like to switch it up."

"So does that mean-"

"Shh. Just kiss me."

Connie sat on the bed. You on his lap and your lips pressed together. His hands on your body, feeling things he's never felt before. He was running out of room in his pants due to his growing erection and the way your warm thighs squeezed his didn't help.

"Y/n...can I take your shirt off?"


He pulled your shirt over your head along with his and tossed them aside. He was hard under you, and you could tell he was losing patience and wanted to do a lot more than kissing. Your kisses became broken and sloppy as the two of you gasped for air. You broke this kiss and moved down to your knees.

"Y- Y/n. You don't have to."

"Want to."

You undid the string on his sweatpants  and pulled them down by his waist band along with his boxers. Connie propped himself up on his elbows not really sure what do.

"Holy shit."

"What's wrong?"

"Trust me nothing. I just didn't expect...you to be this big."

"Is that bad or?"

"No. Far from bad."


"Can I touch you?"


You took him in your hand, him flinching slightly at your touch, but in a good way. He bit his lip in anticipation and met your eyes. You ran thumb over his tip that was already coated in precum and his arousal and jerked your hand , his head rolled back onto his shoulders and he shut his eyes at your touch. You jerked your hand once more and he was already struggling to keep his eyes locked with your's. You can hear him muttering curses mixed with begs under his breath, his legs shaking slightly and his hips rising.

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