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"No Connie come back."

The door clicked shut leaving you alone tucked in bed with a burning fever. You were so confused and he didn't bother finishing his sentence making you angry. You couldn't understand what he was even trying to say. It made sense but at the same time it didn't.

When he came back in he placed a glass of water and the medicine on the night stand.

"Can you sit up for me?"

"Connie what did you mean when-"

"Shh, don't waste any unnecessary energy. We'll talk about us later. Just focus on getting better."

"But I don't want to wait. I like you. I really do. I-"

"Stop lying and take your medicine."

"I'm not-"

He softy took your wrist and placed the pills in your hand. You popped them in your mouth and took a sip of water before finishing your sentence."

"Why do you think I'm lying?"

"Because it's not possible."

"What? You make no sense of course it's-"

"Somebody told me a long time ago...that I'm not built for relationships okay?"


"And they were right, I've never even with anyone sexually or romantically. So why would you want with me? You couldn't possibly-"

"You think I wouldn't like you because your a virgin? That's what your saying? Who fucking cares?"

"It's more than that! Don't waste your time. I'm sure you'll find the right person. But I know...that I'm not worthy of you."

"Hey, where are you going?"

"I'm packing up the car, get some sleep."

He closed the door once again and you laid back down with a grunt. You grabbed your phone and texted Sasha looking for some answers.


Sasha: what happened

You: I got rejected

Sasha: WHAT




You: WHY

Sasha: HE'S GONNA HAVE A MENTAL BREAK DOWN AND BE LIKE 'I'm not good enough for y/n'

You: that's exactly what he said 💀

Sasha: omg

You: and he thinks I shouldn't be with him cause's he's a virgin. Like I don't care. Plus it's hot when they're innocent

Sasha: Ok💀

You: it's true...but what do I do?

Sasha: nothing it's over


Sasha: Kidding, you have to keep trying. He might look different but his confidence is the same from middle school

You: So he has no confidence

Sasha: Basically and when you left he got tortured because you weren't there to stop people from bullying him

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