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"You need to leave."

"Why can't we just fix this?"

"Because I don't want to. You cheated on me remember?"

"How many times do I have to-"

The door opened causing you and Colt to look in the direction of the door."

"I don't wanna stay here!"

"Braden please. I have a headache."

"No fair Connie's not here!"

"Where's your sister. Y/n?"

"I'm in here and I need help."

Colt looked back at you and began to approach you.

"I'm just trying to work things out."


Colt turned back around and looked back at your Dad.

"Hey I-"

"You need to leave. Now."

"Fine. Y/n can we talk about-"


"Fine. Hey Braden."

"I don't like you anymore. Connie is better!"

"You've gotta be kidding me. Whatever. I'll see you in a couple of weeks."

"Just leave."

After Colt left you sat down on the couch with Braden.

"Do you need me to babysit?"

"I'm not a baby!"

"Right sorry."

"I need you to call Connie y/n."

"What? He left."

"I know. He needs to come back. Right now. I don't feel comfortable letting you stay here alone and I don't think you want to come stay with us."

"Yeah well I don't think he's going to come back. School starts soon."

"He can transfer to your school."

"In three weeks?"

"I'll make a donation. I've got my check book."

"Fine I'll call him. Braden go get some candy."




"Hey Connie. How far are you?"

"I stopped to get donuts for Sasha so I'm still in the city why."

"I need you to come back."

"Are you ok? What wrong?"

"No I'm fine. Well- Colt came into my place after you left. I guess he was waiting for you to leave and-"

"I'm turning around."

"I'm ok, my Dad and Braden showed up. He's just not comfortable with me being by myself right now. To be honest I'm not either. Is there an online option at your school?"

"Yeah but that's a whole different course. I would've had to apply a while ago."

"What if you transferred?"

"Now? You know that's not how it works."

"My dad said he'll make a donation. You could come
to school with me."

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