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It was definitely late in the afternoon. The two of you had slept through morning. You were exhausted and sore and you knew it would take a bit for you to wake up. But not this late, it was past noon. Connie was fast asleep spooning you from behind. A puddle of drool on the pillow. When you turned around you couldn't help but giggle at him before you slowly removed his hands from your waist.

You got up and cleaned up the mess he had made last night while cooking before you went back in to check on him.

"Connie it's almost one."

"Mmm no Sasha... I didn't eat your chips..."

"Connie. Come on. I'm not Sasha babe." You said giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Jean I'm not Marco...go kiss him."


"Huh? Y/n...huh."

"Dear god..."

"Wait what happened last night again..."

"You fucked me."

"Oh yeah...YESSSS."


"Let's go! I'm not a virgin anymore!"

"So glad I could help."

"I'm just teasing."

"Do you wanna go get something to eat?"

"Are you asking me on a date?"

"Connie I'm your girlfriend. I don't have to ask."

"I forgot."

"This is going to be mentally draining."

"I'll go get ready."

"Alright. Be fast."

You took him to one of you favorite restaurants for lunch. The ride wasn't to bad. He insisted on recounting last nights events over and over again. (Mostly talking about how hot you looked).

"Yes Connie, I know you liked the sex. Come one we're here."

"Huh? This place!"

"Yeah what's wrong?"

"They serve lunch?"


"God... ok."

The host took the two of you to a table and you began skimming over the menu. You glanced over at Connie, noticing his brows furrowed in slight frustration.

"Get whatever you want."

"I can't."

"Why not?"

"It's way too expensive."

"It's fine, I'll pay. I was the one taking you out anyway."


You watched him for a few seconds and could clearly tell he was uncomfortable so you grabbed your bag and stood up.

"How about we go somewhere else then."

"If you wanna eat here it's fine! Don't worry about me."

"No seriously come on. I have a different place that you might like. Plus they have better lunch food."

"Alright lets go."


"This is more like it."

"So you feel better now?"

"Yeah I can actually afford Diner food."

"Come on, I know the owner."

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